Upcoming debate: should there be an age limit for politicians? - Braver Angels

Upcoming debate: should there be an age limit for politicians?


A few days ago, Joe Biden took to the dais in his fourth state of the union address as president of the United States. In a speech meant to convey a command of the issues and soundness of mind, President Biden answered back to those who feel that his age and cognitive condition are disqualifying for reelection to a second term.

“My fellow Americans; the issue facing our nation isn’t how old we are,” the president stated. “It’s about how old our ideas are.”

Does President Biden have a point?

Meanwhile, this past week marked Super Tuesday in the presidential primary. In it former-president Donald Trump swept the electoral map, vanquishing his sole remaining Republican opponent, former South Carolina Governor and his own former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, effectively cementing for himself the Republican nomination.

“We are going to make America great again,” the former president declared, “greater than ever before.”

What former president Trump, at 77 years old, has also secured is a rematch with the 81 year old Joe Biden, making this election a contest between the oldest presidents and the oldest presidential candidates in American history. (By contrast, Ronald Reagan was 77 years old at the end of his second term as president.)

This has led many Americans to feel that, simply put, there needs to be an age limit for our presidents. Do you agree? Or is President Biden correct that advanced age ought not be a disqualifier for public service?

This is the question we are wrestling with in our upcoming Braver Angels Debate on the question should there be an age limit for politiciansThis question has never been more relevant. Join us this coming March 21st, 8pm EST and lend your voice to the conversation.

In the meantime, you may believe that there are more concerning issues looming ahead of us in the 2024 election. We would like to know what you think they are.

Over the weeks and months to come Braver Angels will be organizing debates, and vehicles for policy discussion and advocacy, that we want to reflect your concerns about the issues facing America. Respond to this email and let us know where your thoughts and priorities for America lie in 2024.

I have never been more excited to be a part of the work of Braver Angels. The focus and energy of our community in response to the cancer of polarization continues to inspire and continues to grow. Goodwill in America will have its say, and the toxicity of our politics will give way to the better angels of our nature so that the American Dream may flourish again.

That may sound like a fantasy. Yet we have accomplished greater things in United States of America. Together we will do so again.

This is the goal that guides us here at Braver Angels.

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