Braver Politics
We’re empowering politicians to work with their colleagues and constituents across the aisle.
Through Braver Politics, we’re helping local, state, and national legislators bring open dialogue and a collaborative work ethic to their deliberative bodies through our specially-developed programs, including workshops, debates, and town halls.
For questions, contact the Braver Politics Team at
American politics is broken. Become part of the solution.
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What is Braver Politics?
Learn more about our citizen-led movement to transform politics.
Opportunities for Candidates and Elected Officials
Find a fit for your time-budget, from our 40-minute eCourse to multi-day workshops and everything in-between.
Success Stories
See what we've done so far.
Testimonials and Press
Hear directly from candidates and journalists who have experienced the power of Braver Politics.
Member Resources
Braver Angels members: Access the program resources needed to run Braver Politics events.