NH Alliance Zoom Discussion Forum: Presidential Pardons
Host Organization: State State/Region: NH Setting: Online Online USNH Alliance Zoom Discussion Forum: Presidential Pardons
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NH Alliance Zoom Discussion Forum: Presidential Pardons
Restricted Attendance: Restricted to Debate Chairs and those who have begun the training process (by completing at least step 1- the training eCourse). If you are interested in getting started, please visit https://braverangels.org/get-involved/debate-chairs/ to learn more and enroll in the training. Are you a Braver Angels Debate Chair or Chair-in-Training? If so, join us for […]
Local Focus: Indiana focus, all are welcome Weekly meeting of the SCIN BA Lunch group. All BA members/subscribers are welcome to join us for discussion on a variety of topics. Participation in previous BA workshops is encouraged!
Restricted Attendance: Members of the Prescott United Methodist Church and Guests Local Focus: Prescott, Arizona About this event Family relationships can become casualties of a toxic political environment. Family members are having bitter political arguments, avoiding each other, or even cutting off lifetime relationships. If you want to preserve important family bonds while still being […]
Note: This event is to be attended in person. Tickets are free. To prevent spam registrations, use promo code BRAVER. Crossing the Continental Divide provides participants with an introduction to Braver Angels and an overview of its principles. During this presentation participants will: Participate in two brief activities (one taken directly from the Depolarizing Within […]
As the Central/Eastern Virginia Alliance (CE-VA) looks to the future, a key driver of growing our alliance is spreading awareness of Braver Angels and its offerings. Each of us play a part by sharing our BA involvement and positive experiences in everyday conversations. As the website says, “everyone in Braver Angels is an ‘ambassador’.” Come […]
Polarization can be driven by how we talk with like-minded people about those on the other side. Too often, we stereotype, dismiss, or ridicule our fellow citizens who support the other political party, its leaders, and its policies. This free, 3 hour, in-person workshop teaches participants: How to be more aware of their own “inner […]
An opportunity to meet fellow Braver Angels in SE Washington State. No pressure, grab a coffee or a snack from one of the food trucks and head inside to find a seat and have a conversation - remember to follow the Braver Way! This will be the first Braver Angels meeting in Tri-Cities. All welcome
Do you want to bring a Braver Angels Debate to your Alliance? It's not as hard as it seems -- but there's one thing you'll want to put extra time into, and that's your resolution. In this online workshop, the Braver Angels Debate Team will help you ensure your resolution is about a question that […]
Note: This event is to be attended in person. In this polarized time, we lack basic understanding of why people on the other political side hold their beliefs. We don’t see them as they see themselves–their core values and central concerns–but instead as we choose to see them. We are tempted to regard our own […]
The November election has brought to light a division between working-class people and the “elite”, generally meaning the college-educated. Braver Angels has addressed this divide by forming a “We the People” caucus to represent workers, and has produced a number of videos with speakers to that end. We will watch portions of a video and […]
Note: This event is to be attended online via Zoom. Tickets are free. To prevent spam registrations, use promo code BRAVER. Crossing the Continental Divide provides participants with an introduction to Braver Angels and an overview of its principles. During this presentation participants will: Participate in two brief activities (one taken directly from the Depolarizing […]
Join us for an introduction to Braver Angels, including a screening of the documentary, "Braver Angels: Reuniting America," and a presentation about the organization's approach to bridging the partisan divide. Light lunch will be provided. ** This event is open to the media upon approval. Send requests to press@braverangels.org
* Restricted Attendance: For trained BA Ambassadors. Monthly meeting for BA Ambassadors, with news and guest speakers to keep you informed.
* Local Focus: Rhode Island Note: This event is to be attended in person. Tickets are free. To prevent spam registrations, use promo code BRAVER. Crossing the Continental Divide provides participants with an introduction to Braver Angels and an overview of its principles. During this presentation participants will: Participate in two brief activities (one taken […]
Come grab a beer or burger with locals from across the political spectrum. We’ll tell you a little about what Braver Angels is up to, kick back and enjoy each other’s company. Everyone is welcome. ** This event is open to the media upon approval. Send requests to press@braverangels.org
Local Focus: Northeast Ohio An in-person, interactive event that gets Reds, Blues, Independents and Others engaged in productive civil disagreement over a current “hot topic” while sharing a meal.
Restricted Attendance: Having read the Harper Lee's book To Kill a Mockingbird in advance will allow you to fully participate in this discussion. Please join us for a discussion of Harper Lee's classic novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. This great book examines themes of prejudice, justice, integrity, and humanity through iconic characters. The SCIN Book […]
Local Focus: Washington, DC Join the Braver Angels DC Alliance for our monthly membership meeting. Meet other local volunteers, hear what's going on this month, and find ways to volunteer with Braver Angels. We'll devote the first hour to the formal meeting and the second hour to a social, so come get involved and make […]
Should the government have the power to regulate speech content through either censorship or compelling speech? The first amendment in the Bill of Rights states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of […]
Local Focus: Central /Eastern Washington Alliance of Braver Angels Monthly alliance discussion meeting
Local Focus: Indiana focus, all are welcome Weekly meeting of the SCIN BA Lunch group. All BA members/subscribers are welcome to join us for discussion on a variety of topics. Participation in previous BA workshops is encouraged!
Local Focus: Oregon's Washington and Yamhill counties. Join us to discuss: What is the role of dissent in a Democracy? Both sides do it: *the Greater Idaho Movement is not happy with Oregon Legislators, so they want to move to Idaho; *Oregon is not happy with the Trump administration, so they are preparing to defend […]
Local Focus: San Francisco North Bay Third Thursday monthly discussion ** This event is open to the media upon approval. Send requests to press@braverangels.org
This forum is open to mental health professionals, including psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, marriage and family therapists, psychiatric nurses, life coaches, registered counselors, and school counselors. Restricted Attendance: This forum is open to mental health professionals, including psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, marriage and family therapists, psychiatric nurses, life coaches, registered counselors, and school counselors.
* Local Focus: Southern California Get beyond the stories we tell about each other to discover the truth, and create a forum to discuss our viewpoints without judgment. About this event Please join us for an intensive in person workshop, in two sessions, that will bring together Republican-leaning and Democratic-leaning citizens for structured conversations, with […]
Family relationships can be casualties of a toxic political environment. Preserve important family bonds while staying true to your values. About this event Family relationships can become casualties of a toxic political environment. Family members are having bitter political arguments, avoiding each other, or even cutting off lifetime relationships. If you want to preserve important […]
Local Focus: Oregon's Washington County Please join us for February 22, 2025, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM (Saturday): In person and Zoom Town Hall to explore the Rural/ Urban Divide from a Washington County perspective: Banks Public Library, Jane Moore Community Room, 42461 NW Market St, Banks, OR. As part of Braver Angels' effort to […]
A forum to discuss your own viewpoint, without judgment, and get real answers to sincere questions of understanding from other viewpoints. About this event Description Join us for a free two-part intensive workshop that brings together Red (conservative or Republican-leaning) and Blue (liberal or Democratic-leaning) citizens for moderated activities and structured discussions that reduce stereotyped […]
* Restricted Attendance: Braver Angels members only Monthly office hours to ask Elizabeth Doll and other Braver Politics volunteers your questions and connect about what work is ongoing.