4th Monday Discussion – Should the Electoral College Be Abolished?
4th Monday Discussion – Should the Electoral College Be Abolished?
BAACNC Monthly Discussion: Topic: Should the Electoral College Be Abolished?
Not sure which Braver Angels experience to try next? Take a quick stroll around the What we do page to learn more about our events. Unless specifically noted otherwise, all of our events are open to the public!
BAACNC Monthly Discussion: Topic: Should the Electoral College Be Abolished?
Local Focus: South Denver, Colorado and Douglas County Area Braver Angels Southern Front Range Alliance is hosting small group events at local community locations to encourage diverse dialogue among community members willing to engage in respectful and honest discussions with disparate views. These events will be in a casual space for community members to participate […]
A discussion centered on the BA Trustworthy Elections report and campaign. ** This event is open to the media upon approval. Media contact: Ciaran O'Connor, ciaran@braverangels.org
What is the value of each type of education to students and society and what is the loss to us if we don't have each type of higher education? What is the cost and how do we pay for it when it is paid for differently in other countries? ** This event is open to […]
Braver Angels WV: Exploring BA Debates
Restricted Attendance: Trainees should register as a trainee Organizer before attending the first session. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe5lVgDgX7RqttcoyufixBmkGos1sQp5BpiiGT-XWq-dzjKeA/viewform Braver Angels Organizers fill an essential volunteer function and are often the glue that holds BA workshops together. This 90 minute, weekly training is led by Organizer trainers, Casey and Yvonne. The four week training schedule starts on the first […]
Join Braver Angels to debate. About this event Join Braver Angels for a debate on the topic – "Resolved: We can trust the U.S. elections." Come join us for this free national debate, in which all participants from across the ideological spectrum will have an opportunity to speak and ask their questions. Tell us what […]
Join us for a 1-hr orientation to learn about the Braver Network State Rep Volunteer Role. After this training you will be completely trained and ready to start working in the role.
Note: This event is to be attended in person. Restricted Attendance: Members of Fort Collins Rotary Noon and Evening Club and their families and invited guests In this polarized time, we lack basic understanding of why people on the other political side hold their beliefs. We don’t see them as they see themselves–their core values […]
Local Focus: Southern Willamette Valley, Oregon We will create some expectations for interacting with one another, take some time to select issues to talk about, and break into small groups to discuss topics with others who may or may not share your perspective.
How do you respond when someone asks, “What is Braver Angels all about?” or “Why do you belong to Braver Angels?” Every organization and its members need an Elevator Speech, a clear, concise, and memorable response. In this interactive workshop, Lorraine Howell, author of Give Your Elevator Speech a Lift! will take you through her […]
Monthly meeting for Angels of Color Caucus members and the greater Braver Angels Community. ** This event is open to the media upon approval. Media contact: Ciaran O'Connor, ciaran@braverangels.org
BA SongFaire is a quarterly event for Braver Angels musicians to share songs with one another and with a wider audience online. The songs can be originals, or songs that you discovered that connect well with the mission of Braver Angels. Our first SongFaire will be on Sunday, June 2, at 2-3:30 pm Pacific time […]
Local Focus: Central Ohio Braver Angels of Central Ohio - One on One Conversations
Watch a movie on your own, then attend a discussion of it made richer by the wide variety of viewpoints that participants hold. We choose films that address social, political or cultural issues that are relevant to society today. They may highlight liberal-leaning, conservative-leaning or independent themes, or feature actors or directors from opposite sides […]
* Restricted Attendance: Only open to dues-paying members of any of the three Braver Angels alliances in Tennessee: the Memphis Area Alliance, Braver Angels Nashville, or the East Tennessee Alliance. * Local Focus: Tennessee
* Local Focus: Rhode Island Join us for a 30 minute info session and get to know us better! Learn about our mission and upcoming plans, and consider joining the Alliance to reduce polarization.
* Restricted Attendance: Restricted to Debate Chairs and those who have begun the training process (by completing at least step 1- the training Ecourse) Are you a Braver Angels Debate Chair or Chair-in-training? If so, join us for the next Braver Angels Debate Chair Forum. This space will be an opportunity for debate chairs and […]
Lunchtime discussion on key political issues. ** This event is open to the media upon approval. Media contact: Ciaran O'Connor, ciaran@braverangels.org
Restricted Attendance: Trainees should register as a trainee Organizer before attending the first session. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe5lVgDgX7RqttcoyufixBmkGos1sQp5BpiiGT-XWq-dzjKeA/viewform Braver Angels Organizers fill an essential volunteer function and are often the glue that holds BA workshops together. This 90 minute, weekly training is led by Organizer trainers, Casey and Yvonne. The four week training schedule starts on the first […]
Note: This event is to be attended in person. In this polarized time, we lack basic understanding of why people on the other political side hold their beliefs. We don’t see them as they see themselves–their core values and central concerns–but instead as we choose to see them. We are tempted to regard our own […]
Local Focus: Massachusetts We'll be discussing the film Join or Die. Join or Die is a film about why you should join a club—and why the fate of America depends on it. Follow the story of America's civic unraveling through the journey of Robert Putnam, whose legendary "Bowling Alone" research into American community decline may […]
Communication Skills for Bridging the Political Divide Workshop About this event There can be a lot of stress among family members and friends who are divided politically, and polarizing public conversations don't help. In this workshop, you will learn and practice skills for having respectful conversations that clarify differences, search for common ground, and affirm […]
Does every American have an equal shot at the American Dream? Why is the wealth gap so large - and should we seek to close that gap? What constitutional rights do we have to do so? These are some of the many questions that may be discussed. The magic of Braver Angels events is the […]
Local Focus: Twin Ports Area Northern Alliance Facilitated Discussion ** This event is open to the media upon approval. Media contact: Ciaran O'Connor, ciaran@braverangels.org
Democracy, Extremism, and Outliers We will read the following paragraph: Under democratic governance structures, people enjoy freedom to believe as they choose, speak freely and advocate for their beliefs. Individuals like Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton led the movement giving women the right to vote, and were seen as “extremist.” Another “extremist", Frederick […]
* Local Focus: New York City Are you a member of the Braver Angels NYC Alliance? Are you interested in becoming one? Come join us for our New York City Members Meeting! Learn more how you can get involved and connect with other Braver Angels members throughout this great city.
Restricted Attendance: Red members or subscribers only Red Caucus 2nd Tuesday monthly meeting. All reds are invited.
Local Focus: Eugene & Springfield Area (Southern Willamette Valley), Oregon For folks who want to understand what divides us. This is a get-together for the open-minded. Pull up a chair and let's have some respectful and civil discourse about what led you to believe what you believe and vote for what you vote for. Maybe […]
Note: This event is to be attended in person. In this polarized time, we lack basic understanding of why people on the other political side hold their beliefs. We don’t see them as they see themselves–their core values and central concerns–but instead as we choose to see them. We are tempted to regard our own […]
Lunchtime discussion on key political issues. ** This event is open to the media upon approval. Send requests to media@braverangels.org.
Join us at our monthly gathering - Pie and Depolarization. This is a casual event where you will get to meet some of your fellow local Braver Angels. The format changes month to month, but usually involves small group or individual discussions, while supporting our host, Bipartisan Café, with your patronage. This event is open […]
Local Focus: Event will be in person only at Fletcher Library, 823 N Buchanan St, Little Rock, AR 72205 The Civil Conversations series is a monthly event with the following goals: 1) practice and improve civil communications skills while discussing specific topics; 2) identify common ground/common points that people can agree on within a specific […]
Join Braver Angels to debate. About this event Join Braver Angels for a debate on the topic – "Resolved: Ban hormonal and surgical treatments for gender dysphoria in minors." Come join us for this free national debate, in which all participants from across the ideological spectrum will have an opportunity to speak and ask their […]
Join the Rhode Island Alliance of Braver Angels on June 12th @ 7:30 PM for a discussion of the film 'Join or Die', a film about why you should join a club—and why the fate of America may depend on it. Follow the story of America’s civic unraveling through the work of Robert Putnam, whose […]
Learn about Community Town Hall meetings and how they can be a powerful tool for Civic Renewal. Moderators, Ambassadors, Organizers, Alliance Leaders, and other interested BA members will come together to learn how to lead one of these highly effective events in your community.
A forum to discuss your own viewpoint, without judgment, and get real answers to sincere questions of understanding from other viewpoints. About this event Description Join us for a free two-part intensive workshop that brings together Red (conservative or Republican-leaning) and Blue (liberal or Democratic-leaning) citizens for moderated activities and structured discussions that reduce stereotyped […]
Local Focus: Colorado The June gathering of community members interested in engaging in civil discourse. The event will start by selecting a topic that sparks differing opinions among the group. An alliance member will guide the discussion if necessary, to foster a productive exchange of views. This event aims to promote respectful dialogue and encourage […]
Equal numbers of conservatives and liberals discuss election procedures to find joint and unanimously held points of agreement. Join us for an online Common Ground Workshop on: Voter Identification & Eligibility This Braver Angels Common Ground Workshop brings together equal numbers of Conservatives and Liberals - Reds and Blues (4-8 of each) - to discuss […]
Restricted Attendance: Seniors in Plymouth, MA and their guests, plus BA newsletter subscribers in Plymouth County Local Focus: Plymouth, MA Come join us for this debate, in which all participants from across the ideological spectrum will have an opportunity to speak and ask their questions. Tell us what you have experienced and what you think. […]
Come join us for this debate, in which all participants from across the ideological spectrum will have an opportunity to speak and ask their questions. Tell us what you have experienced and what you think. About this Event Resolved: The government should provide shelter/housing to everyone who needs it. You probably haven’t experienced anything like […]
Lunchtime discussion on key political issues. ** This event is open to the media upon approval. Send requests to media@braverangels.org.
This March, the Braver Angels Snohomish County Alliance gathers to outline our discussion roadmap for the upcoming months of March, April, May, and June 2024. In a pivotal meeting dedicated to shaping our community's dialogue and activities, we invite all members to join in this collaborative effort. Key on our agenda is the election of […]
Local Focus: Northeast Ohio Northeast Ohio Alliance Monthly Meeting
* Local Focus: Wilmington, NC and surrounding areas Cross-partisan social gathering for great company and conversation
Local Focus: Utah Meet other Utah Braver Angels, ask questions, learn about opportunities to participate or volunteer, and receive updates and encouragement. ** This event is open to the media upon approval. Media contact: Ciaran O'Connor, ciaran@braverangels.org
Local Focus: Region - Southern Willamette Valley, OR This is a meeting for the local alliance steering committee to receive feedback and direction from the larger community of BA interested folks who participate in our events.
* We are taking the months of June and July off. See you on August 16 when we resume meeting. Have a great summer! Restricted Attendance: This forum is open to mental health professionals, including psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, marriage and family therapists, psychiatric nurses, life coaches, registered counselors, and school counselors. Join us […]
Are you discouraged by the contention around our elections? Are you concerned election transparency and the validity of election results? Are you dismayed by the quality of the candidates yielded in recent primary elections? Do you believe that vote splitting and spoilers have a negative effect on election outcomes? It may be the right time […]
Learn safe and effective ways to communicate conservative values and beliefs in environments where liberal ideas are assumed to be correct. About this event Focus of the workshop This free workshop is for political conservatives who are surrounded by liberals in key areas of life like work, family, social circle, religion, or community. The idea […]
Learn safe and effective ways to communicate conservative values and beliefs in environments where liberal ideas are assumed to be correct. About this event Focus of the workshop This free workshop is for political conservatives who are surrounded by liberals in key areas of life like work, family, social circle, religion, or community. The idea […]
What we get in our media diets is that legislators don't really talk across the aisle, everyone is too far apart and it's colored by national politics. The leaders of the caucuses will deliver very different remarks, there isn't the socializing and getting meals together that used to happen and lobbyists have too much power. […]
Come socialize with other members and practice your LAPP skills (Listen, Acknowledge, Pivot, share Perspective). We will be providing food at this event. You MUST register in advance if you are going to attend so we can plan for the right number of people.
Open to the public Local Focus: Clemson, SC Note: This event is to be attended in person. In this polarized time, we lack basic understanding of why people on the other political side hold their beliefs. We don’t see them as they see themselves–their core values and central concerns–but instead as we choose to see […]
Join us for a 1-hr orientation to learn about the Braver Network State Rep Volunteer Role. After this training you will be completely trained and ready to start working in the role.
Watch a movie on your own, then attend a discussion of it made richer by the wide variety of viewpoints that participants hold. We choose films that address social, political or cultural issues that are relevant to society today. They may highlight liberal-leaning, conservative-leaning or independent themes, or feature actors or directors from opposite sides […]
* Local Focus: Twin Cities metro Note: We'll gather at 6 p.m. to socialize and have something to eat if you want and start the discussion at 6:45 p.m. What will it take for our country to have trustworthy elections? Conservatives and liberals distrust our elections for vastly different reasons—from voter fraud and election security […]
Lunchtime discussion on key political issues. ** This event is open to the media upon approval. Send requests to media@braverangels.org.
Restricted Attendance: Red Members only Braver Angels Red Caucus
This workshop looks at how extremism, rigid fundamentalism, conspiracy thinking, and the “us vs them” mindset are all symptoms stemming from a breakdown in making sense of a complex, rapidly changing world. Unlike most media literacy trainings that focus on the factual accuracy of information, this training explores how we make sense of all issues, […]
This 90-min, mini-workshop is part of the 2024 BA Convention and is a preliminary step in the Convention's process for choosing the next "Citizen's Think-tank Project" topic Join us for a Common Ground Workshop on: Addressing Abortion This Braver Angels Common Ground Workshop brings together equal numbers of Conservatives and Liberals - Reds and […]
Equal numbers of Conservatives and Liberals take a deep dive into a chosen issue to find joint and unanimously held Points of Agreements. About this event Join us for a Common Ground Workshop on Adressing Immigration. This is a 90-min mini-workshop that is part of the 2024 BA National Convention and is a preliminary step […]
This 90-min mini-workshop is part of the 2024 BA National Convention and will be a preliminary step in the Convention's process for choosing the next "Citizen's Think-tank Project" topic Join us for a Common Ground Workshop on: How to Reduce Economic Inequality and Increase Growth This Braver Angels Common Ground Workshop brings together equal numbers […]
Local Focus: Southern Oregon A free workshop to help you become more aware of your "inner polarizer" and learn methods for disagreeing without contempt and ridicule About this event Polarization can be driven by how we talk with like-minded people about those on the other side. Too often, we stereotype, dismiss, or ridicule our fellow […]
This 90-min mini-workshop is part of the 2024 BA National Convention and will be a preliminary step in the Convention's process for choosing the next "Citizen's Think-tank Project" topic About this event Join us for a Common Ground Workshop on Upholding Free Speech and Challenging Hate Speech. The Braver Angels Common Ground Workshop brings together […]
Join Braver Angels Oregon for this engaging, interactive and thought provoking in-person event. We will begin with an introduction to Braver Angels and our mission to depolarize American politics, followed by one-on-one discussions between attendees. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in civil discourse with those who may hold differing views, and gain a […]
Public discussion in breakout rooms about Trump and the justice system. ** This event is open to the media upon approval. Media contact: Ciaran O'Connor, ciaran@braverangels.org