Could your story inspire more? - Braver Angels

Could your story inspire more?


It’s about that time of year when things are coming to a close (at least for a week or two) and we’re looking back to reflect on the past twelve months.

Here at Braver Angels, we’re thinking about a few highlights, like the 2023 National Convention, the new website homepage, and the launch of A Braver Way podcast (hosted by yours truly).

And now, we want to hear from you: What impact did Braver Angels have on your year? Did you connect with people across the aisle in new ways? Did you speak at your first debate? Or did something about what we’re championing here help you move the needle in the right direction for your disagreements, communities, or relationships — even just a little?

If so, we invite you to take a quick moment right now and tell us your story.

Our volunteers on the ground — and the stories they carry — are the engine of our work. Whether you took a small step to repair a relationship hurt by politics or found yourself thinking, “I never thought of it that way” across a divide, sharing and circulating your stories is how we can all know that despite everything out there we’re pushing up against, despite all the odds against us, all the forces that want us to stay divided and afraid, the work we’re doing here matters. It’s making a difference. And nobody here is alone in doing it.

If you’re open to sharing how connecting with the people and ideas at Braver Angels made a difference in your life, please let us know here, and who knows? Your story might just help spark more.

But above all, we want to say thank you. Thank you for the incredible work you’ve done and the support you’ve given this past year. At its foundation, Braver Angels is, quite simply, a group of lots of different people who dare to work together to make a better, stronger, braver nation. We’re so grateful you’re a part of it.

Have a wonderful holiday season, everyone. And oh yes — happy new year.

2024, we’re ready for you.

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