From Braver Seders to the Catholic belief that we need not fear the truth, three Braver Angels leaders talk about how their respective religious traditions inspire their bridge-building work. They explore the spiritual side of Braver Angels, and how we can learn from the insights of each particular tradition.

Los Angeles
If in the midst of this tragedy, the people of Los Angeles, and all America for that matter, are given cause to remember how precious we are to one another, then something will have been gained in this.
3 thoughts on “A Catholic, a Jew, and a Protestant Walk Into a Bridge-Building Movement | Eduardo Andino & Randy Lioz with April Lawson”
Thank you, Ciaran, April, Randy and Eduardo❣️
I always wait anxiously for our next Braver Angels Podcast, and this was one well worth waiting for!
Thank you for being willing to share your personal faith journeys which, I firmly believe, have such an important impact on how we see ourselves, our world and the relationship between the two.
Not a subject always easy to speak about in mixed company, but the care and respect you have for one another as Braver Angels compatriots came through loud and clear. Thanks for having the Courage and Bravery to speak about a topic which impacts us as individuals and our relationship to others and our world. 💕
Wow! Such a fabulous conversation. Loving Braver Angels more all the time. As a previous Catholic, deeply spiritual being who does not subscribe to any religion, I found the conversation so stimulating, exciting, informative and human! Thank you so much.
I found Braver Angels years ago when I was thinking bridging the divide was the most important thing we can do. So thrilled it has grown so much.
Thank you for this discussion of religion and its place in our lives. I am a “lapsed” Catholic, which makes me sound like an insurance policy on which the premium has not been paid. I am currently without a spiritual community, a fact that has made my journey a solitary and difficult one. Here is where I currently am spiritually:
If there is but ONE God, a fact that I embrace as true, then all believers are worshipping the same deity; they simply call the transcendent by different names. Therefore, I could worship with believers of any tradition and feel that God would be pleased. The idea that the unknowable God can be known only by those of one spiritual tradition is, to me, spiritual vanity or arrogance. God is a mystery and people have come up with various understandings of the solution to the puzzle. Rather than being, as Marx said, the “opiate” of the people, religion and religious thought is a great ignitor of what is best in the human spirit–a search for the good, the holy, and the true. Blessings on your work.