The Past Month’s Parade of Polarization - Braver Angels

The Past Month’s Parade of Polarization


This week . . . as we celebrate Memorial Day, we review the past month’s parade of polarization. And what an informative month it was. We learned that Republicans/conservatives are sadists, scam artists, liars, whiners, hypocrites, and crackpots who want a police state and use deeply twisted logic and parliamentary shenanigans to get their way. And that Democrats/liberals are deviants, pervs and liars (also) who are prone to sexual abuse, want to jail anyone who opposes them, create racism, destroy home values, and eat their own. But mostly what we learned is that serious discussion of the serious conflicts over the serious problems we face as a nation all take second place to the counterproductive, self-serving game of labeling the “other” as the enemy. Can there be a greater desecration of the memory of those who served and sacrificed at the hands of true enemies of America than this?

When reading these examples, check the above list and ask yourself: regardless of whether you agree or disagree, is this really advancing an intelligent resolution through the persuasive, rational arguments of advocacy…or simply fueling the fire of conflict through the divisive, emotional manipulations of polarization?

Here are the polarizing headlines featured in the month of May, from the left and right:

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If in the midst of this tragedy, the people of Los Angeles, and all America for that matter, are given cause to remember how precious we are to one another, then something will have been gained in this.

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