How have YOU depolarized? Share your stories and tips! - Braver Angels

How have YOU depolarized? Share your stories and tips!


By Kristen Fegan and Braden Chapman

My name is Kristen, and I’m working with Braver Angels this summer to help strengthen the impact of our message on social media. Born in Texas having grown to adulthood in Brevard County, Florida, I have some Red bonafides — but these days, I’m leaning much more Blue.

And my name is Braden. My role with Braver Angels this summer is to look at ways to analyze our past and increase our reach to the rest of the nation. I’m a Red, born and raised in Warrick County, Indiana, and a junior at Indiana University Bloomington.  

Together, we’re committed to the vision of building a house united in America — a country striving to fulfill her promise as the beacon of hope to the rest of the world. Right now, Americans are experiencing deep, painful social divisions. With an important midterm election this fall and a tough economic environment, we know you may be having an especially difficult time building bridges with people in your family, church, workplace, or community.

Because our mission at Braver Angels is to empower you to build bridges across the political divide in your lives, we’re ramping up to present you with strategies and inspiration to make these connections in real time, where you live.

This campaign is dubbed the Summer of How, and it’s coming at you across all of Braver Angels’ social media channels.

The goal of Braver Angels’ Summer of How is to equip you to help depolarize America, and to provide you with real-life stories of others doing the same work. We hope this inspires and motivates you to expand on the progress you have already made. Each week, we’ll be sharing:

  • Models: Does it help you to see how others have found success? By reading about how others have found understanding across divides in their own lives, you may identify approaches that resonate with you and your community.
  • Tactics: You want practical? We’ve got practical. We’ll be sharing turn-by-turn strategies for communicating, listening, and finding common ground with the people who matter to you.
  • Impact: Stories of impact remind us why we started, and help provide the encouragement to keep going when this work gets hard – and it DOES get hard!

Follow Braver Angels everywhere to make sure you don’t miss a thing!

Do YOU have Models, Tactics, or stories of Impact that you think would benefit our community? We’d love to share your wisdom with the Braver Angels family! → Click here to share your Summer of How ideas with our team.

Let’s go build a house united.

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