This week… it was announced that the deficit exploded 23.1% over last year — certainly one of, if not the most, incendiary time-bombs facing America. And our elected officials, right and left, largely ignored it. Why? Because it didn’t fit their obsessive, self-serving, feel-good narrative of titillating their respective bases. Another example, as though we needed it, of how polarization makes irresponsible leaders, irresponsible citizens…an irresponsible nation. How long can we go on like this?
When reading these examples, check the above list and ask yourself: regardless of whether you agree or disagree, is this really advancing an intelligent resolution through the persuasive, rational arguments of advocacy…or simply fueling the fire of conflict through the divisive, emotional manipulations of polarization?
Here are just a few examples of the polarizing headlines, from the right and left, that dominate today’s political “thinking.”
Blue Headlines
GOP’s new methods of ratf**king: Spreading lies online via social media
The New Horror Awaiting Us If the GOP Is Successful
Once again, a Republican president told us that truth doesn’t matter
The first rule of Republicans attacking the Mueller report is: never, ever read the Mueller report
Right Wing Round-Up: A Bigotry Circus
Red Headlines
Trump made his critics look small during his ‘Salute to America
The Totalitarian Irrationalism of the Left
Immigration: Democrats Promise Aid to Migrants, Clichés to Voters
Dems Complain About The Problems They’ve Caused
Democrats are Officially the Party of Derangement