Ciaran and John talk about their roads to Braver Angels, the Depolarization Movement, Martin Luther King, Jr., the need for community and how to apply love in politics.
Los Angeles
If in the midst of this tragedy, the people of Los Angeles, and all America for that matter, are given cause to remember how precious we are to one another, then something will have been gained in this.
1 thought on “The Braver Angels Way”
The physicality of angels is the spirituality of the only thing US citizens have in common: the original constitution. It’s poorly written, but the context in which it was written provides hind sight and vision. The declaration of Independence warns of despotism and Articles of Confederation describe a confederacy for the Constitution to improve upon. Without this foundation, the Constitution lacks integrity. Hence, we have yet to free ourselves of Britannic polity and ordain the original constitution supreme; build consensus in agreement with its intents to improve the union and establish justice, and its purposes: ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure these blessings of liberty.
The words, secure the blessing were written before the first amendments. Therefore the must refer to something other than the so-called bill of rights. Tranquility is a blessing. Heart to defend our common ground is a blessing. Equitable well-being, equality, is a blessing. Tranquility, heart and equality are the essential blessings of liberty. When secured the union will be improved and justice will be established.