Rise for America - Braver Angels

Rise for America Participation Tracker

National Campaign


We’re in a moment of national crisis. The toxic level of polarization is compromising the foundations upon which our country was built, undermining our institutions and driving Americans apart. Something needs to be done. 

The Braver Angels Rise for America campaign is working to meet the moment and empower everyday citizens to take action. 

The nation’s future is in our hands. Change will only come when people from across the political spectrum come together to talk—and most importantly, listen—to one another. Through honest conversations, open debate, and a sincere desire to learn, we can begin to address the conflicts that divide us. Together, we can cultivate relationships across cultural and political divides, strengthen our institutions and hand our democratic republic off to the next generation stronger than we found it.

You Can Help!

Through Rise for America, you are invited to take at least one action that will bring America and Americans together in constructive dialogue to help depolarize our nation. Braver Angels will serve as a resource for you, providing supportive materials, guidance for individuals and organizations, and ways to track your progress.

5 Ways to Take Action:
Host a Documentary Party
Host a Braver Angels “depolarization” documentary viewing in your home, neighborhood, or organization, with a discussion following. Braver Angels will provide a link for the documentary and accompanying discussion guide.
Attend and Amplify a Braver Angels Depolarizing Within Workshop

Attend and amplify a Braver Angels Depolarizing Within zoom-based or in-person workshop with your community. This powerful workshop helps people examine their attitudes and beliefs, as well as those of other perspectives. Braver Angels provides the training, and you provide the participants.

Coordinate a Braver Angels Ambassador-Led Presentation
Coordinate a Braver Angels Ambassador-Led Presentation. You can contact a group in your community about these presentations or organize a presentation for a group of people of your choice.
Train to be a Debate Chair

Train to be a Debate Chair for your local community or college/university.  Colleges, universities, and local communities across the U.S. are involved in debates organized by BridgeUSA and Braver Angels, promoting critical thinking and civic engagement among young people and community members.

Create Your Own Event or Action Step

Create your own event or action step. What interests you? What do you think would be more effective in engaging people in your community? We can help you determine what you would like to do.

Choose to take ACTION today!
A new America is waiting—we can build it together. Thank you for your commitment to being a concerned and active citizen.
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