Create Your Own Event or Action Step
Download the guide below for next steps:
About This Action
For this action step, you and/or your group will select your own depolarizing event or action step you would like to do. Then you invites people of your choice to do the action with you.
Action examples include participating in a 1:1 depolarizing conversation with someone, hosting a living room conversation, putting on an offering from your own organization that fits with depolarization, writing a letter to the editor about what you are learning about depolarization, exploring offerings from Braver Angels with some friend and attending something together, joining an already existing Braver Angels alliance, or starting a local discussion group to talk about topics of interest in a respectful way.
Action examples include participating in a 1:1 depolarizing conversation with someone, hosting a living room conversation, putting on an offering from your own organization that fits with depolarization, writing a letter to the editor about what you are learning about depolarization, exploring offerings from Braver Angels with some friend and attending something together, joining an already existing Braver Angels alliance, or starting a local discussion group to talk about topics of interest in a respectful way.
Next Steps:
- Identify what you or your group/organization would like to achieve by this event or action step.
- Explore event offerings or action steps that would fit your desired outcomes (examples below).
- Decide which type of action you would like to organize.
- Complete the action or host the event.
- If you host an event with other attendees, collect the names and email addresses of those interested in learning more about Braver Angels depolarization. You can capture on your computer with the digital spreadsheet link, print out a paper sign-up form, or provide the QR code for your participants to scan directly.
- After the workshop, please remember to fill out the completion form (link below) and include the names and emails of attendees.
- Post about your experience on social media using the hashtag #RiseForAmerica.
Example Events or Action Steps:
- Attend one of the multiple Braver Angels events. Invite a friend to come with you.
- Participate in a Braver Angels 1:1 conversation with someone. Then go do SOMETHING with that person (for ex., co-write an op-ed; volunteer together to pick up trash, work at a food bank, etc.).
- Host a Living Room Conversation, following the guidelines of the Living Room Conversations group, using the link included here.
- Host a Dinner and a Fight discussion, using guidelines provided at the link included here.
- Put on an offering from your own organization that fits the mission of civic renewal.
- Write a letter to your local paper about Braver Angels, your experience at the convention, or with Braver Angels, and the importance of civic renewal and depolarization.
- Talk to three friends about Braver Angels, why you’re interested in the organization and/or your experience at the convention, with a goal to have them explore the Braver Angels website and attend something with you or become a member.
- If you don’t have a Braver Angels Alliance in your area, contact your Braver Angels state coordinator or regional lead for a list of people in your area that have expressed an interest in depolarizing. Invite those people to get together (in person, if possible, but over Zoom works too!). At the meeting, discuss what the group’s next steps should be. Work with your state coordinator for ideas.
- If you are part of a faith community or group, you may wish to host a Faith-Sponsored Workshop (FSW).
After Your Event:
Remember to fill out the completion form and to upload the names and emails of attendees.
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