The Red Caucus - Braver Angels

The Red Caucus

The Mission

To strengthen participation of conservatives and libertarians in Braver Angels by providing a supportive group to share our concerns and hone our best arguments and skills, thus supporting the overall Braver Angels mission.

Who We Are

We are first and foremost Americans; we love our country and the flag it represents, while we recognize
our country’s flaws and that we are a work in progress.

We represent a diversity of races, genders, and ethnicities; we are members of the working class and of
professional communities; we are students and entrepreneurs; and we are parents and grandparents.

We are from all regions of the United States. While we lean Red, we reflect a diversity of perspectives
within a conservative framework.

We are a mix of Fiscal, Cultural, and Social Conservatives; we are Libertarians, Constitutionalists, Trump
supporters, and never-Trumpers; we are the observant religious, and we are atheists. What unites us is
our belief in individual freedom and personal responsibility.

We are troubled by the divisiveness within our country and want to reduce partisan and ideological
polarization without forfeiting our conservative/libertarian values.

We emphatically reject the popular narrative that we are racist, white supremacist, and xenophobic.

We believe that all citizens and legal residents can live together peacefully and cooperatively, all
enjoying the blessings of freedom provided by our country.

We are a minority within Braver Angels, but like other minorities, we have stories to share and want our
voices to be heard.

The Opportunity

The Red Caucus is an opportunity to share your concerns about, and hopes for, the future with a supportive coalition. Together, we can creatively learn better ways to communicate conservative values and identify areas where we can find common ground with our more liberal and progressive friends.

Learn more about our growing caucus by attending one of our meetings. We meet monthly on the
second Tuesday evening at 4pm Pacific time.   If you would like to communicate directly with Red Caucus leadership, email

We’ve recently scheduled a second monthly meeting on the fourth Wednesday at 4 pm Pacific time. To receive a link to join our meetings, sign up here.

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