Polarizing Rants - Braver Angels

Polarizing Rants


This weekwe learned that the Democrats are morons…the Republicans are scammers…the Democrats are racist…the GOP wants to destroy Social Security…the Left seeks authoritarian global domination…the GOP is screwing Gold Star families…and so much more! Sadly it’s not hard to understand the motive behind this kind of polarizing rant. It generates money, clicks, attention, votes. What’s hard to understand is why so many fall for it, and don’t recognize the damage it does. To quote the wisdom of Pogo who (in a sly distortion of Perry’s 1813 victory call) opined on the first Earth Day, May 22, 1970, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

When reading these examples, check the above list and ask yourself: regardless of whether you agree or disagree, is this really advancing an intelligent resolution through the persuasive, rational arguments of advocacy…or simply fueling the fire of conflict through the divisive, emotional manipulations of polarization?

Here are a few more of the enlightening blue and red polarizing headlines from the past week.

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A Braver Way Beat 4

Beat | How to navigate political fear

Political violence and heightened rhetoric has turned up the intensity of an already tumultuous election season, adding to the fears and uncertainty on both the Left and the Right. Is there a way to stay grounded through this moment? We are joined by Dr. Bill Doherty, a “citizen therapist” who offers insight to help understand not just our own fear, but the fears held by the other side, and shares concrete strategies people on all sides can use to give voice to our deepest concerns without succumbing to the most dangerous tendencies of our divided nation.

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A Braver Way Episode 12

Episode 12: How to Citizen

Is it the facts that get in the way in our politics, or our stories? Baratunde Thurston is a renowned comedian, activist, and PBS host who knows a lot about how the stories we tell about ourselves can either unlock our civic power… or make us forget we even have it. We’ll zoom in on two unforgettable times Baratunde crossed big divides and what those clashes can teach us, and we’ll hear his four pillars of “how to citizen” — as a verb, not a noun — to help us wield that power daily. Then Monica and April close us out with a clash of their own, unleashing their own stories about citizenship to see where their different politics lead them to think differently about the concept and the many issues that surround it.

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