Organizer - Braver Angels


What is a Braver Angels Organizer?

Braver Angels Organizers come in three flavors: Red organizers who lean conservative/Republican, Blue organizers who lean liberal/Democratic, and Other organizers who lean neither Red or Blue. Organizers begin the process of depolarizing our communities and, gradually, our nation, by organizing community-based Red/Blue Workshops, Skills for Bridging the Divide Workshops, Depolarizing Within Workshops, Families and Politics Workshops, and Braver Angels Debates.  Organizers are the key leaders who actually bring the two sides together.

We no longer require that each Red/Blue Workshop have at least one Red organizer and one Blue organizer, although that is optimal. “Other” organizers are welcome to organize all workshops.

Looking to organize online events?

During the coronavirus pandemic, workshops, debates and documentary showings are being held online. These events still need Organizers! Enroll as an Organizer.

Then let us know that you’re interested in organizing Online events by clicking the button above.

Note that an organizer is not responsible for facilitating the workshop itself; two trained Braver Angels moderators facilitate the workshops. Braver Angels state coordinators will connect you with volunteer moderators, or give you information on how to recruit moderators in your region if there are no moderators in your region.

What Does a Braver Angels Organizer Do?

Skills for Bridging the Divide, Depolarizing Within, and Families and Politics Workshops

  1. Find a venue for the workshop (for online workshops, you will coordinate with others to reserve a Zoom meeting and line up Zoom Event Managers).
  2. Recruit 10-50 participants. Their “color” doesn’t matter.
  3. Coordinate logistics, including registration.

Red/Blue Workshop

  1. Get help from an opposite color or “Other” organizer if possible, or from a supportive Team.
  2. Secure a venue for the workshop (for online workshops, you will coordinate with others to reserve a Zoom meeting and line up Zoom Event Managers).
  3. Recruit 5-7 participants for each side for a Red/Blue Workshop. It is easier but not essential for a Red organizer to recruit Reds and a Blue organizer to recruit Blues. (An organizer may be a participant in the workshop.)
  4. As an organizing team, coordinate logistics for the workshop or secure a logistics coordinator. (Not relevant to Online workshops: Logistics to consider include setting up the venue, providing name tags, registering people into the workshop, providing any food/snacks, and cleaning up the venue.)
  5. Provide interested workshop participants with information on how to form a Braver Angels Alliance—a group of local Reds and Blues who have attended a Braver Angels workshop and want to keep the conversation going—or connect them to an existing local Alliance.

Braver Angels Debate

  1. Find a venue. (For online debates, you will coordinate with others to reserve a Zoom meeting and line up debate whips).
  2. Select a resolution with a roughly even number of those in favor of and opposed to it.
  3. Recruit participants in favor of and opposed to the resolution. Find two participants in favor and two opposed who are willing to speak first, for four minutes each, to get the debate started.

Braver Angels Alliance

  1. As a Red and Blue organizing team, recruit a roughly even number of Reds and Blues among people who have attended a Braver Angels workshop or debate, or plan to attend one as soon as they are able to do so.
  2. Set an agenda and co-chair at least the first alliance meeting.

How does Braver Angels support organizers?

  1. Monthly support calls and opportunities to connect with other Braver Angels organizers across the country.
  2. A Workshop Resources page that includes materials for recruiting workshop participants and advertising workshops, how-to-manuals–including how to organize and how to set up online registrations–and video demonstrations of workshops.
  3. A Public Outreach page that provides templates for fliers, speeches and PowerPoints.
  4. Responses to questions on organizing workshops, including trouble shooting challenges you experience. This will be provided through contact with their state coordinator and through monthly support calls.
  5. Connections with Braver Angels moderators, who facilitate the workshops.

Please note: only Braver Angels members can enroll to be an organizer. You can join here.

Become an Organizer

Braver Angels Support