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The Enemy of Freedom


The aftermath of the horrific mass murder in Las Vegas shows once again how polarizing the issue of gun control is—and how counter-productive polarization is. Gun controllers accuse gun advocates of not caring about life. Gun advocates accuse gun controllers of not caring about liberty. Both sides say their position saves lives. Neither side backs down nor considers the perspective of the other. And no one dares “break ranks” to explore their potential common ground of reverence for life, love of freedom, and grief over the loss of Jenny Parks, 36, kindergarten teacher, mother of two, and the other 57 victims of the Las Vegas killing grounds. So the strutting “us vs. them” standoff of bullying, blinkering, flattering, fear-mongering and righteous indignation continues…along with the slaughter. It’s easy to deride this as “just politics.” But this is polarization not politics. Real politics is the art of resolving conflict through discourse rather than violence.  So perhaps it’s time take the politics of this life-and-death issue seriously enough to tune out the polarizers and open our minds and mouths and ears and imaginations in a sincere effort to listen and learn and move things to a better place.

Blue Headlines

More guns mean more crime 
This statement seems as obvious as “more eggs mean more omelets” or “more cars mean more traffic.”

We’re going to take on the NRA and show that we care more about lives than they care about guns 
Every time there’s a mass shooting in America, conservatives immediately tell those of us who dream of a safer world that it’s too soon to act on this latest tragedy.

Jimmy Kimmel tells Republicans to pray to God for forgiveness after Las Vegas massacre 
Late night host Jimmy Kimmel told Republicans that they should pray to God for forgiveness because their obstruction of common sense is getting innocent people murdered on a daily basis.

‘We cannot wait’: John Lewis blasts trump for refusing to talk about gun violence 
Civil rights icon and Democratic Rep. John Lewis blasted Donald Trump on Wednesday, saying now – in the aftermath of the unspeakable violence in Las Vegas – is exactly the moment we should be talking about how to prevent future gun-related massacres.

House Republican rejects gun control, compares assault rifles to trucks 
Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK) compared military-caliber firearms to trucks, and the risk of mass shootings like the one that resulted in 59 deaths and more than 500 injuries in Las Vegas on Sunday to the risk of getting run down by a vehicle

Rhetorical question: What’s a bigger priority for Republicans, children’s health or the NRA?We need gun control,’ Ariana Grande claims
Pop singer Ariana Grande called for stronger gun control following the Las Vegas mass shooting Sunday.

Republican leaders say ‘there’s not much we can do’ about gun violence. There is.
“There is a lot to learn from this,” said Republican Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval. “It was a cowardly, despicable act I am very angry about. There’s not much we can do, but we can learn.”

New gun safety bill is so undeniably sensible even some Republicans may support it
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), along with more than 20 high-profile Democratic co-sponsors, introduced a bill Wednesday that would outlaw modifications known as “bump stocks” that can be used to modify semi-automatic weapons to fire at the rate an automatic weapon would.

How could anyone deny the need for tougher and more stringently enforced gun laws in the wake of the Vegas slaughter? 
How can anyone not realize that more, stronger, and more strongly enforced gun laws are absolutely necessary in the wake of last night’s Vegas horror, the largest mass-murder committed with guns in modern U.S. history?

Tightening gun control could prevent more tragedies than you think 
On Tuesday, conservative radio host Erick Erickson claimed that the media was skewing statistics on firearm-related fatalities in the wake of the Las Vegas concert shooting on Sunday night — which left at least 59 dead and more than 500 injured — in order to make the situation seem worse than it was 

Red Headlines

Don’t tell the left: More guns means fewer homicides 
Another mass shooting this week….And as predictable as sunrise and sunset, politicization of tragedy by the left.

All-out war against the NRA begins after Las Vegas massacre 
Left-wing politicians, activists and journalists are using the worst mass shooting in modern American history to attack one of the nation’s oldest civil rights organizations.

The 3 massive lies Jimmy Kimmel told about guns after LV massacre… 
Americans were shocked and horrified by the utter carnage wrought in Las Vegas when a murderous gunman in the Manadalay Bay casino-hotel opened fire on a densely packed crowd at a country music concert below him Sunday night, killing 59 people and wounding more than 500 others.

The left pushes gun control with emotion, not facts
Now, when I mentioned the politicization of this, the full mad dash is on for gun control. Now, what does that mean? What does the left really want? Ill tell you what they want. They want the confiscation of every known weapon in this country.

Radicalized establishment to expand gun control 
The globalists are coming after the Second Amendment

Even 538 admits that sweeping gun control doesn’t stop mass shootings
Like with any mass shooting that happens in the United States, the central conversation shifts almost immediately to what our lawmakers in Congress can do to restrict the sale and purchase of firearms beyond what is already regulated.

NRA slams liberal hypocrisy over Las Vegas massacre 
National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre reacted to Hollywood’s and the left’s “hypocrisy” on gun control in the wake of the Las Vegas massacre.

The left pushes gun control with emotion, not facts — but one stunned liberal journalist learned the truth 
Now, when I mentioned the politicization of this, the full mad dash is on for gun control.

Leftists despicably use Vegas massacre to further their agenda
It has always bugged me how fake news media helps Leftists portray themselves morally superior, more caring and compassionate than the rest of us.

Gun control in Europe is almost total. It hasn’t stopped mass shooting attacks like Las Vegas
Within hours of the horrible attack in Las Vegas, before we knew most of the relevant facts about the tragedy, gun control advocates were calling for more gun control.

Expert: Liberals don’t realize gun control punishes blacks, poor people the most 
Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., center, calls for gun control legislation June 16, 2016, on Capitol Hill in Washington, in the wake of the mass shooting at an Orlando LGBT nightclub.

Democrats commit more firearm crime than Republicans
Stats show liberals are more likely to shoot someone than conservatives

More to explore

Listening past the slogan

As slogans collide in a polarized era, the mass of our distrust grows larger and larger. Our ability to communicate craters beneath the weight of it.

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