8 Red (and Blue) Flags of Polarization - Braver Angels

8 Red (and Blue) Flags of Polarization


This weekreminds us how easy it is to reject polarization when you disagree…but how hard it is when the polarizer strikes a chord, pushes your buttons. When a comedian lands a political zinger or a commentator prints a headline that distills perfectly the outrage you feel, it doesn’t feel like polarization. It just feels right.  And Donald Trump —love him or hate him—is the poster child of polarization. It is almost impossible not to have an emotional, polarized reaction to him, right and left.  So what’s the harm? Little, if we’re talking just about how you feel. The harm comes when you “go public” with your feelings, because public polarization poisons the effort to find a way to resolve legitimate but differing views. The point of electioneering is different – it is a zero-sum, win-or-lose game. But the point of democratic citizenship and governing (rather than authoritarian obeying and ruling) is not to “defeat the opposition” but to make the government work reasonably well for all citizens – even those with whom you disagree.  And that requires having the maturity, humility and respect to control your passions and adhere to the rules of civil discourse. Not just for the sake of civility, but for the preservation of the process which allows for the freedom to productively disagree. Including yours. That is what is called being an American. 

When reading these examples, check the above list and ask yourself: regardless of whether you agree or disagree, is this really advancing an intelligent resolution through the persuasive, rational arguments of advocacy…or simply fueling the fire of conflict through the divisive, emotional manipulations of polarization?

Here are some of the week’s most polarizing articles, from the left and right:

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