10/24/2023 - Braver Angels

October 24, 2023

Episode 3: How can you talk politics in a divided family?

In this special episode, Mónica — a liberal — joins the two people she’s argued with most — her conservative parents — for a candid conversation about one family’s struggles with a political divide that cuts right through their own home. Looking back on the biggest disagreements that tested their relationships, like Moni’s pro-choice stance on abortion and her parents’ votes for Donald Trump, they open up about the strategies that keep them talking.

Episode 3: How can you talk politics in a divided family? Read More »

Episode 2: How do you bridge a legacy of pain?

Mónica talks to two friends whose lives changed in profound ways when they discovered that the family of one had owned the family of the other as slaves. Exploring our racial and religious divides as well as our political ones, their conversation takes on tough questions about how we honor past and future in our shared story, and the role repentance and forgiveness can play in relationships burdened by pain.

Episode 2: How do you bridge a legacy of pain? Read More »

Episode 1: How did Lincoln do it?

Mónica talks to historian Ron C. White to find out how our nation’s most renowned bridge builder disagreed fully and freely with those around him while leading the nation through the Civil War. Taking a closer look at private notes Lincoln wrote to himself, the two explore everything from how to approach deep moral disagreements to what to do with your anger with the injustice you see.

Episode 1: How did Lincoln do it? Read More »

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