Events from 03/17/2022 – 04/09/2022 – Page 3 – Braver Angels

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Depolarizing Within

Host Organization: Braver Angels
State/Region: GA
Setting: Online
Online US

Local Focus: Georgia Much of today’s polarization is driven by how we talk with like-minded people about those on the other side. Too often, we stereotype, dismiss, or ridicule our […]

Members Meeting

Host Organization: Braver Angels Greater Minneapolis Alliance
State/Region: MN
Setting: Online

What's in it for Us? Practical Incentives for Depolarization

Depolarizing Within

Host Organization: Cincinnati Alliance Group
State/Region: OH
Setting: In-person
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church 9080 Cincinnati-Dayton Rd., West Chester

Local Focus: St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church - West Chester, Ohio Much of today’s polarization is driven by how we talk with like-minded people about those on the other […]

A Core American Value – Freedom

Host Organization: Braver Angels OC/South Bay Alliance
State/Region: CA
Setting: Online
Online US

Freedom is one of America’s most cherished values. But what does it mean to live in a free society? Do Americans share a common concept of freedom? How do our […]

A Core American Value – Freedom

Host Organization: Braver Angels OC/South Bay Alliance
State/Region: CA
Setting: Online
Online US

Freedom is one of America’s most cherished values. But what does it mean to live in a free society? Do Americans share a common concept of freedom? How do our […]

Event Series SongSquare


State/Region: - National
Setting: Online

Members of the Braver Angels Songwriting Community are invited to share their latest song for the month and participate in discussion about healing division through art.

Skills for Bridging the Divide

Host Organization: Braver Angels
State/Region: AK
Setting: Online

Local Focus: Alaska There's a lot of stress these days among family members and friends who are divided politically, and the current polarized public conversation doesn't help. Please join us […]

Film Discussion – Why We Need Each Other

Host Organization: \Wyoming Montana Braver Angels Alliance
State/Region: MT
Setting: Online
Online US

Discussion: Can polarization be reduced through an understanding of game theory and moral foundations theory? ** This event is open to the media upon approval. Media contact: Ciaran O'Connor,

Town Hall – Discussion Redistricting/Gerrymandering: Problems and Possible Solutions

Host Organization: Long Island Alliance
Partner Org(s): Brookhaven League of Women Voters
State/Region: NY
Setting: Online
Online US

Local Focus: New York The redistricting process usually leads to gerrymandering when politicians are in charge of the process. As a result, redistricting is another contentious topic that stirs political […]

Members Meeting – The Media and our Expectations

State/Region: MN
Setting: Online
Online US

Restricted Attendance: Braver Angel members Local Focus: Minnesota's Arrowhead Region, NW Wisconsin, St. Paul and Eastern Suburbs On March 22, the discussion on the media continues, this time on the […]

Depolarizing Within

Host Organization: Oregon Statewide Alliance
State/Region: OR
Setting: Online

Much of today’s polarization is driven by how we talk with like-minded people about those on the other side. Too often, we stereotype, dismiss, or ridicule our fellow citizens who […]

Skills for Bridging the Divide

Host Organization: Joint States
State/Region: - National
Setting: Online

There's a lot of stress these days among family members and friends who are divided politically, and the current polarized public conversation doesn't help. Please join us for a Braver […]

Skills for Bridging the Divide

Host Organization: East Tennessee Alliance
State/Region: TN
Setting: In-person
Powell United Methodist Church 323 W Emory Rd., Powell

There's a lot of stress these days among family members and friends who are divided politically, and the current polarized public conversation doesn't help. Please join us for a Braver […]

Skills for Bridging the Divide

Host Organization: Braver Angels
State/Region: MN
Setting: In-person
University of Northwestern St. Paul

Restricted Attendance: workshop for students and staff of the University of Northwestern There's a lot of stress these days among family members and friends who are divided politically, and the […]

Being Red in a Blue Environment

Host Organization: Braver Angels
State/Region: MN
Setting: Online

This free workshop is for political conservatives who are surrounded by liberals in key areas of life like work, family, social circle, religion, or community. Learn safe and effective ways […]

Film Discussion – National Film Discussion of “Common Grounds?”

Host Organization: Braver Angels
State/Region: - National
Setting: Online
Online US

Together with director Raed Gilliam, we will discuss Common Grounds, a documentary created by University of Virginia students where conservative and liberal students talk about the legacy of Thomas Jefferson, […]

National Debate: Parents and Education

Host Organization: Braver Angels Debates / Community
State/Region: - National
Setting: Online

de·bate| dəˈbāt | - noun - A highly structured conversation in which a group of people think together, listen to one another, and are open to being changed by ideas. About […]

Members Meeting – Minnesota District 3, Local Alliance: Media and Polarization

Host Organization: Braver Angels Eagan
State/Region: MN
Setting: Online
Online US

Restricted Attendance: BA Members who have attended at least on BA workshop Local Focus: BA members living in Minnesota's 3rd Congressional District Minnesota 3rd Congressional District Local Alliances: Media and […]

Book Discussion – The Forgotten Americans

Host Organization: Braver Angels Library
State/Region: - National
Setting: Online

Join a moderated discussion of a book chosen specially by our Braver Angels library team.   About this event An Economic Agenda for a Divided Nation by Isabel Sawhill (Credit: […]

National Debate: Criminal Justice

Host Organization: BA National - Debates
State/Region: - National
Setting: Online

de·bate| dəˈbāt | - noun - A highly structured conversation in which a group of people think together, listen to one another, and are open to being changed by ideas. About […]

Depolarizing Within

Partner Org(s): Non-Violence Omaha
State/Region: NE
Setting: Online
Online US

Local Focus: Nebraska Much of today’s polarization is driven by how we talk with like-minded people about those on the other side. Too often, we stereotype, dismiss, or ridicule our […]

Families & Politics

Host Organization: Wisconsin Statewide Alliance
State/Region: WI
Setting: Online
Online US

Local Focus: Wisconsin About this Event Description Family relationships are becoming casualties of our toxic political environment. Family members are having nasty political arguments, avoiding each other, or even cutting […]

Braver Angels Needs Your Help!

This giving season, we're raising money to bridge the partisan divide and strengthen our democratic republic in 2025. Will you support us?
Braver Angels Support