Dennis Prager, (author, talk radio show host and long time thought leader among American conservatives) believes that everything the left touches it destroys. But is there nothing to empathize with on the left? That was the conversation I wound up having with Dennis particularly with respect to the subject of race.
Vegetarian dinner to kick off Arkansas Peace Week events
This will be the second year in row we’ve done something in coordination with Arkansas Peace Week,” said J. Glen White, one of Braver Angels Arkansas …
3 thoughts on “Empathizing with the Left?! Discussing Race with Dennis Prager”
What’s the point of bringing someone who is partially responsible for our polarization & the proliferation of false information into the Braver Angels fold?
Thank you for presenting this discussion. I had never heard of Prager but it’s enlightening to hear the views of someone so close minded. John did a good job of not falling into his gross generalizations.
Here is an essay on a Braver Angel discussion on teaching racism in public schools.
Finding Common Ground on Race and Education in Polarized Times – Times of San Diego