Donald Trump and the Realignment of Conservatism| Daniel McCarthy with Luke Nathan Phillips and Silas Kulkarni - Braver Angels

Donald Trump and the Realignment of Conservatism| Daniel McCarthy with Luke Nathan Phillips and Silas Kulkarni


Daniel McCarthy, editor of the venerable journal of conservative cultural commentary Modern Age, has been observing and commenting on Republican politics and intellectual trends in conservatism for decades now. How does someone who once deeply supported Ron Paul go on to deeply supporting Donald Trump? In this episode of the Braver Angels Podcast, co-hosts Luke Nathan Phillips and Silas Kulkarni press McCarthy on the shifting currents inside conservatism in the Age of Trump– among libertarians, neoconservatives, traditionalists, paleoconservatives, nationalists, and so many other tribes– to understand the ongoing and sometimes compelling dynamics of thought on the American cultural right.

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1 thought on “Donald Trump and the Realignment of Conservatism| Daniel McCarthy with Luke Nathan Phillips and Silas Kulkarni”

  1. Please correct the typo in your link above which reads: but
    should read:
    “Help us build a house united, and bring our work to more Americans of all persuasions.”

    Thanks for this good work.

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