Why Debate the 2020 Election? - Braver Angels

Why Debate the 2020 Election?

Microphones in front of American flag

Should the outcome of the 2020 election be up for debate? 

Braver Angels exists to connect Americans in dialogue over their differences. That’s why Braver Angels decided to hold a debate about the 2020 election—though some BA leaders think the decision was a bridge too far.

Braver Angels leaders Ciaran O’Connor, John Wood, Jr., David Blankenhorn (BA president), April Lawson, and Silas Kulkarni talk it through in real time in this special episode of the Braver Angels podcast.

Watch the debate.

Further reading:

Twitter: @braverangel, @ciaranjoconnor, @JohnRWoodJr, @AprilALawson, @SilasKulkarni, @blankenhorn3 

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5 thoughts on “Why Debate the 2020 Election?”

  1. Ciaran, John, David, April, and Silas,
    I recently heard about, and eventually joined, Braver Angels.
    It has given me such renewed hope, and GREAT appreciation to have FINALLY found others whose hopes reflect my own. I no longer feel as alone as I once did due to my desire to make fair (as possible) assessments of each side. That wasn’t a very popular attitude with either my Red OR Blue family and friends! 😕
    I have begun listening to the Braver Angels Podcast, from earliest to most recent, in order to hear (and thoroughly enjoy!) discussions from both sides since it’s inception.
    In order to prepare for the upcoming Debate on Thursday I did listen to the Podcast on “Speech, Justice and the ACLU”. as well as today’s WONDERFUL Podcast.
    What a gratifying and encouraging experience to hear CIVIL and Intelligent conversation from both sides!
    I remember being taught that, “God fears NO QUESTION we might ever ask.”
    And, my dear old Dad, God rest his soul, always told me, “There are no stupid QUESTIONS, just stupid answers.” (Thus the reason I prefer to REALLY “think” before I answer! )
    Thank you, from the depths of my heart, for this difficult yet essential work for our United States of America❣️

    Russellville, Arkansas
    Gonzales, Louisiana

  2. Ciaran, John, David, April and Silas,
    I recently heard about and eventually joined Braver Angels. It has given me such renewed hope and great appreciation to have finally found others whose hopes reflect my own. I no longer feel as alone as I once did due to my desire to make fair (as much as possible) assessments of each side. That wasn’t a very popular attitude with either my Red OR Blue family and friends! 😕
    I have begun listening to the Braver Angels Podcast, from earliest to most recent, episodes in order to hear (and thoroughly enjoy!) discussions from both sides.
    In order to prepare for the upcoming Debate on Thursday, March 4, from 7pm-9pm CST, I did listen to the two most recent Podcasts on “SPEECH, JUSTICE and The ACLU” as well as “WHY DEBATE THE 2020 ELECTION”. I found both discussions to be very engaging, interesting and informative. What a gratifying and encouraging experience to hear CIVIL and Intelligent conversation from both sides!
    I’ve been taught that “God fears no question we might ever ask.”
    And, my dear old Dad, God rest his soul, always told me, “There are no stupid questions, just stupid answers.” (Thus, the reason I prefer to REALLY “think” before I answer!)
    Thank you, from the depths of my heart, for the difficult, yet essential, work that Braver Angels does for the good of our country and ALL of her citizens and inhabitants.

  3. Erica Etelson

    This was one of the most authentic, depthful discussions of the meaning of speech and debate in a democracy that I’ve ever heard. It really made me realize how so much of what I normally hear on the topic of freedom of speech is reiteration of tired talking points. You all spoke from the heart, listened deeply and allowed for nuance–thank you!

  4. Brigitte Krummel

    That was the first time I listened to your podcast “why to debate the election –froud or not”. I am extremely glad I watched, and I am extremely emotional, but in a good way, and I have a glimpse of hope.
    Brigitte Krummel

  5. I get that it is not up for debate but I would argue that the denial of the Holocaust needs to be addressed with education! – Just saw a CBS poll that showed 65% of GenZ are not aware of the atrocities. That is terrifying. Germany spends a lot of time teaching this history. Here in the US, obviously we are not. And we should, as well as, teaching about the brutality of slavery and its aftermath as well as the genocide of indigenous peoples at the hand of colonialists and supremacists in the US and through out the world. –
    Speaking of . . .the example that 50% of Palestinians would deny the Holocaust is as the speaker admits wholely unsubstantiated and in his imagination. First of all, millions of Palestinians live within in Israel and are taught it in the school system. If true about those living in the West Bank and Gaza, as Israeli media interests would like you to be believe, then it would be a result of lack of access to education living for those living under Israeli occupation, not anything inherent about the Palestinian people. – So while it may not and should not debated, it should be seen as a national crisis and strong efforts should be made to educate.

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