Get ready to experience a constructive way to dig into controversial issues!
A Braver Angels Debate is an opportunity both to exercise our minds and to open our hearts. Unlike some debate programs, the point isn’t to win; it’s to understand the other side a little better. We designed our special parliamentary debate format to encourage everyone to participate, to support good faith, accurate disagreement, and to promote better understanding for all. They are always led by a specially trained Debate Chair.
Offered both in person by local alliances or online to our national membership via Zoom, Braver Angels debates always center around a controversial resolution and then invite both sides to speak to it. Unlike some of our workshops, however, this split isn’t necessarily Red vs. Blue. In fact, it’s not uncommon to find both Reds and Blues speaking in the affirmative (that is, supporting the resolution) as well as the negative (that is, opposing it).
Speak freely and fully without fear - and then listen to others as they do the same.
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Check out our events calendar, which features National Online Debates happening across the country.

Debate Chair
Debate Chairs ensure our debates run smoothly and in accordance with the Braver Angels Way.

Online Debate Whip
Online Debate Whips support the Debate Chair in creating a balanced, lively, well-run debate.

Debate Organizer
Debate Organizers are responsible for guiding the development of Local Community Debates.
Past Debates
See what participants had to say about our debate on police reform: