Debate Chairs
Debate Chairs ensure our debates – both online and in person – run smoothly and in accordance with The Braver Angels Way: saying only what we truly believe about hard topics, treating those with whom we disagree with honesty, dignity and respect, and sharing and learning regardless of what side we are on. If you are considering being part of the dynamic Debate Team, and want to help facilitate a space where people can have better conversations, you might be interested in training as a Debate Chair.
Contact the Debate Team at debatevolunteerteam@braverangels.org
- Membership: You must be a Braver Angels member. Please sign up to become a member.
- Braver Angels Debate Experience: Please attend one (or more!) of our debates – online or in person, national or local or even college – before you begin training as a debate chair. Our debates are unique in character and unlike most other debate formats you may have experienced. BA debates are not about victory and defeat, instead they are a collective search for the truth!
- Comfort and/or Familiarity with Group Facilitation: Being a debate chair requires one to foster an environment that supports debate participants in their efforts to engage difficult topics with those they disagree with. It is essential that debate chairs are comfortable with group facilitation. Experience is a bonus, but not necessary if you are willing to learn!
- Ability to Maintain Composure: Debate chairs are responsible for ensuring that everyone feels respected and welcomed during our debates. This means maintaining neutrality, welcoming perspectives you may disagree with, and responding to debate participants in a balanced manner.

Training Process
Step 1: Enroll & Complete eCourse
Step 2: Attend a Q&A Session
Step 3: Mock Debate - Try your Hand at Chairing
Whether you’re chairing in person or online, you’re in the same role with the same rules, but the medium can make some difference in how you play the part. The differences come down to the way you interact with your participants online vs. off.
In this respect, the most concrete difference is the role of the whips. The role of a whip is to assist the chair, and while some chairs use whips for in-person debates (especially larger ones), many chairs go without them. On Zoom, the whips and the rest of the support staff are essential to facilitating communication between you and the participants.
The difference between online and off comes down to the way you gauge the feeling of the room. It’s your job to cultivate this in a constructive manner. We encourage you to give chairing a try both online and off and to develop your own way to shepherd the group through this collective, hybrid head-and-heart experience.
Some people find completing whip training first to be helpful, but you are not required to be a debate whip to enroll in debate chair training. If you would like to get a look at what chairs do from behind the scenes, training as a whip is a great way!
The debate chair does not need to function as the debate organizer. As chair, you are in charge on debate night, but you aren’t expected to do everything yourself. You can also have debate whips if needed and it may be helpful to have greeters, observers, or other support staff.
You are welcome to chair debates in whichever format(s) you prefer!
You by no means must be an expert in the field, though most debate chairs find it helpful to have some context on the debate topic as they introduce the resolution and frame the event.
There are certain points that all chairs will want to hit as they facilitate a debate, but we encourage you to make it your own and insert your personality. For tips on what to say, visit this resource: Chairing a Braver Angels Debate.
No technical experience is required, though experience using Zoom or other online conferencing platforms may be helpful.