Smith College Republicans, group open up political correctness for debate - Braver Angels

Smith College Republicans, group open up political correctness for debate


By Greta Jochem, Daily Hampshire Gazette

NORTHAMPTON — A bipartisan group wants to bring people from both sides of the aisle together to better understand each other and reduce political polarization.

On Monday evening, they held a debate in an effort to do that.

The local arm of the national group Braver Angels Alliance, along with the Smith College Republican Club, drew more than 50 people to the Smith College Campus Center to take on a divisive topic — political correctness.

But it’s not about winning, organizers said.

“At the end of it, we don’t vote. This thing is loser-less … the whole point is to learn, not to win,” said Rob Robertson, national coordinator of Braver Angels debates, told the Gazette.

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