Braver Angels Debates - Braver Angels

Braver Angels Debates


By Alexandra Hudson, Catalyst

Truth springs from argument amongst friends.
—David Hume, 18th C. Scottish empiricist and philosopher

We live in a deeply divided moment where people disagree on very important topics.

We also live at a time when the consequences for expressing a “wrong” opinion, or at least an unpopular one, can be high—social shaming, online bullying, job loss, academic punishment, and more.

These two problems leave us in a uniquely frustrating position: we have many differences that should not and cannot be ignored, and yet we are limited in where, how, and whether we can discuss them. Furthermore, many people, especially those in high school and college, are still forming their beliefs on certain issues, and it is difficult to be secure in your viewpoint on a particular topic if you haven’t heard all the counter arguments to your position!

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