We Celebrate Thanksgiving - Braver Angels

We Celebrate Thanksgiving


This week . . . we celebrate thanksgiving. But a recent study confirms what we suspected: Many of us dread the thought of carving the turkey with an avid supporter of Trump … or Hillary … or Bernie…or Roy Moore … or Nancy Pelosi … “the other.” That’s how deeply we have allowed the pushers of the poison of polarization to infect our country, our lives, our families. We can’t even talk to each other. But ask yourself: Do you really believe your conservative brother-in-law—or liberal nephew—truly wants to ruin the country … ignore pedophilia…crush the poor…abuse women … wreck businesses … pollute the environment … tax you to death. … Because that’s what the polarizers would have you believe. Or is it more likely that that liberal—or conservative— passing you the potatoes actually loves freedom, justice, opportunity, fairness and all the other things define America, just like you do? But that they simply have different experiences, perspectives, understandings and ideas on how to achieve those things? Yes, those differences are real. And yes, “they” might be wrong. But no, they are not your enemy. And is there no chance that they actually might be right—or at least partly right—about some of those things? After all, are you always right about everything? So this Thursday, consider gently, respectfully bending the “no politics” rule. But try listening instead of accusing, understanding instead of criticizing, learning instead of making a point, smiling instead of smirking. (For more, see Better Angels’ wonderful guide for Talking Across the Political Divide.) In short, whether you’re a left-winger or a right winger, try also to be an Angel-winger and lift the conversation above the differences to see the fuller, truer picture that is America. And celebrate a joyous thanksgiving … together.

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