The Media and COVID-19 – featuring Annafi Wahed, Denise Quinn and Monica Guzman - Braver Angels

The Media and COVID-19 – featuring Annafi Wahed, Denise Quinn and Monica Guzman


Everybody seems to hate the media. But is it the problem or the solution? And is it possible that during the COVID-19 pandemic Americans are coming together after all?

Ciaran O’Connor and John Wood, Jr. are joined by media figures Annafi Wahed (founder of The Flipside), Denise Nanke (talk radio show host on KYKN in Salem, OR) and Monica Guzman (co-founder of The Evergrey in Portland, OR) to analyze how media habits and coverage are changing, not changing, and what it all means in the midst of our current crisis. You’ll be surprised at what there is to learn.

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1 thought on “The Media and COVID-19 – featuring Annafi Wahed, Denise Quinn and Monica Guzman”

  1. Reta MacGregor

    This was most interesting to hear while doing my crossword puzzle in Bos. Globr… I love hearing Annafi’s voice and her outlook. She is an amazing young woman and am pleased that she is doing well. I enjoy hearing such refreshing young voices, with different points of view… keep at it and thank you.

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