Better Angels co-founder Bill Doherty, in a talk to students and faculty at the University of Minnesota in Rochester, teaches and demonstrates how to talk with people who differ from you politically and how to depolarize conversations so that they can be more productive and less damaging to relationships.
Los Angeles
If in the midst of this tragedy, the people of Los Angeles, and all America for that matter, are given cause to remember how precious we are to one another, then something will have been gained in this.
1 thought on “Skills for Communicating Across the Political Divide”
I live in southeastern Massachusetts. As are so many of us, I am struggling with the challenges of speaking and finding common ground with people whose political views and beliefs are so different from mine. Does your organization conduct any kind of educational seminars, workshops, gatherings of any type to help with this challenge? Do you have materials or recommended readings or curricula or anything that could help? I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks very much.