This week…alas, no mass shootings, no carnivalesque hearings, no outrageous scandals (at least that break into convenient red/blue categories) that the Polarizers can use to “prove” how right/wrong we/they are. So, it’s just more of the same old, same old broad accusations the “they” are dumb, insensitive, outrageous and uncaring. Is it too much to hope that as the Presidential election season gains steam, the variety of candidates and complexity of issues will actually begin to move the debate to realistic discussion?
When reading these examples, check the above list and ask yourself: regardless of whether you agree or disagree, is this really advancing an intelligent resolution through the persuasive, rational arguments of advocacy…or simply fueling the fire of conflict through the divisive, emotional manipulations of polarization?
Here are just a few of the blue and red polarizing headlines from the past week.
Blue Headlines
Republicans Are Provincials Who Don’t Understand Millions Of Their Fellow Citizens
How the GOP’s Tax Scam Is Now Backfiring Spectacularly
No, Trump doesn’t care about your pre-existing condition, or anything else about your health care
Meet the Republicans who have suddenly discovered that racism is bad
Trump uses baseless fear-mongering in his State of the Union speech to push for a border wall
Trump going to El Paso to lie to its residents’ faces about what a border wall did for El Paso
Red Headlines
Democrats Have Proven That Trump Is The Adult In The Room
Repeat with Me, Leftists: Trump Is Not a Racist
Democrats Just Can’t Stop Playing Their ‘Woman Card
The Left Defends Infanticide and Human/Animal Chimeras
Leftists Think America’s Founding Was Evil
Democrats Don’t Want America To Succeed, They Want Trump To Fail