High Conflict: Why We Get Trapped and How We Get Out | Amanda Ripley with Ciaran O'Connor & April Lawson - Braver Angels

High Conflict: Why We Get Trapped and How We Get Out | Amanda Ripley with Ciaran O’Connor & April Lawson


In her latest book, High Conflict, Amanda Ripley explores how good people get captured by devastating conflict and how they can break free. Amanda combines storytelling with data—drawing lessons from examples like the FARC militants of Colombia and the violent gangs of Chicago—to develop a theory of successful conflict resolution.

In this edition of the Braver Angels Podcast, Amanda joins hosts Ciaran O’Connor and April Lawson to dive deep into her book and illuminate lessons we can apply to tribal politics in the U.S.

Learn more about Amanda’s book: www.amandaripley.com 

Twitter: @braverangels, @amandaripley, @ciaranjoconnor, @AprilALawson

Listen or watch the podcast below. You can also find it on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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2 thoughts on “High Conflict: Why We Get Trapped and How We Get Out | Amanda Ripley with Ciaran O’Connor & April Lawson”

  1. Marybeth Webster

    I thought “I don’t have time to listen for an hour!”, but here it is an hour later and I’m most grtified to have stayed for the “High Conflict” podcast. Braver Angels has taken the hand of this naive but curious “kid”/novice* and is leading me at my own pace into new worlds! I helped organize and attended the first Red/Blue workshop in my small southnern Oregon community; I’ve recently done two One-on-One Zoom conversations, one on race and one on urban/rural. Today I dared open and then hang in for a discussion with a woman who pronounced, “The homeless are all mentally ill and should be locked up.” By staying (a theme here?), and mirroring and asking for clarification, we found a point of agreement and parted warmly. Note: I was speaking to her in my second language, Spanish. That forces me to slow down to find the best word, but also to ask genuinely for her to repeat sentences. Good conflict resolution in a nutshell! (* I’m almost ninety-two.) I so admire the three young people who did this podcast!

  2. I was very interested to hear about the idea of no campaigning within the Baha’i faith. I have read about other countries that limit campaigns to 90 days or less. The concept of reducing campaigns from a major billion dollar industry, to a small cottage industry would certainly reduce the amount of non value added activity. This would also help to limit the number of “conflict entrepreneurs” making money by driving our nation apart.

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