This week . . . in the wake of Helsinki, the rhetoric of polarization (incredibly!) heated up even more, with the word treason taking center stage in the political “conversation.” But as the headlines below show, other accusations such as baby killerand terrorist were being tossed
about as well. The question is, how far has this gone? How much damage has polarization done? Are we at war with each other? Or are we still one nation, indivisible?
Blue Headlines
The entire GOP are traitors. It’s that simple.
Conservatives Have Been Traitors For Over 200 Years
Republicans are ready for the Russian takeover—so long as it pisses off the left
After Helsinki, cracks have formed in the right-wing dam of delusion
Mitch McConnell’s Top Strategist Endorses Trump’s Treason As GOP Midterm Strategy
House Republican lies about conservative ‘censorship’ on Fox News
Republicans Drop Any Pretense Of Standing For Anything Except Power