Braver Network State Rep Volunteer - Braver Angels

Braver Network State Rep

State Reps help strengthen Braver Network at the field & State level through personal relationships.

We are seeking Braver Angels members to serve as State Reps to help strengthen Braver Network at the field and state level. We aim to have at least two Reps per state (e.g., one Blue, one Red, and even one Other), and larger states may have regional reps (e.g., NorCal/ SoCal).

Braver Network brings together organizations from across the political spectrum, large and small, national and local, all committed to doing their part to help bridge the partisan divide. Some have bridge-building as part of their mission, but many have goals completely separate from politics. They include congregations, companies, civic groups, and colleges, to name a few.

Learn more about the mission and vision of Braver Network.


Time Commitment

Weekly commitment: 1 -2 hours

There are optional Bi-weekly meetings for all Braver Network reps on Fridays at 10am PT/ 1pm ET via zoom.

Term commitment: 1 year, with the option to continue

Directory Map

Training Process

Step 1: Sign Up

After enrolling, you will be then redirected to a step-by-step eCourse for training. A Braver Network Team member will follow up with you with more details about your area and organizations. If all State Rep positions in your area are already filled, we’ll ask for you to volunteer as a Partner Rep instead!  Feel free to fill out the form multiple times if you are interested in representing more than one state (especially for less populated states).

Step 2: Complete the eCourse and 1-hr live (or recorded) training

After you sign up you will be redirected to a short eCourse to orient you more about the role.  You will also be prompted to sign up for a State Rep 1-hr Training call, which is held on Zoom. You may also watch the recorded version if that is more convenient, and are welcome to finish all training on your own time.

Step 3: Start reppin!

Once you’re comfortable with the information needed to be successful in your role, we’ll make sure you have a list of organizations to start working with, and support you in your outreach efforts to new organizations that want to be a part of the movement!


State Reps: Braver Angels members who work to engage Braver Network organizations based on geographic location.  They represent a whole state or smaller region (ie. SoCal/ NorCal) and are automatically assigned new organizations that join Braver Network in Braver Network to oversee.  They act as “account managers”—ensuring every Braver Network organization has a BA rep to engage with. 

Partner Reps: Braver Angels members who work to engage Braver Network organizations based on a previous relationship. Often the organization will come to Braver Network and identify a BA member as a Point of Contact, whom we assign as the Partner Rep.  Sometimes the State Rep may recruit a Partner Rep for new organizations. 

Braver Network Liaison:  A person from an outside organization that has joined Braver Network.  All Braver Network organizations have at least one liaison, and many have 2 (one Red, one Blue), or up to 3.  The liaison is our point of contact for an organization in Braver Network. 

We still need you! Help us by outreaching to new organizations in your state.

The State Rep should connect with Field leaders to let them know about resources Braver Network has that the field may benefit from, and to find out what resources local alliances have that Braver Network organizations may benefit from. A State Rep is an additional volunteer role, not an extra duty for any field leaders (unless they’d like to take it on as another position).

We require an equal number of Red and Blue leaning liaisons across Braver Network (with an option for “other” or “exempt” leaning).  The liaison’s personal leaning does not reflect that of their organization for our count.  We don’t count the leaning of organizations themselves, as most organizations wouldn’t consider themselves partisan. For this reason, sometimes there is a waiting period for organizations who apply with one liaison before official registration into Braver Network (i.e. an organization applies with just a Blue liaison, and we don’t have a Red liaison to balance the count).

There is no binding rule that organizations must abide by to join Braver Network. We only ask that the organization believes in the mission of Civic Renewal and Depolarization, even if it may not be (and in many cases is not) a primary mission of the organization. If there is any question about the organization’s motives, we simply ensure that they would be willing to engage “the other side,” respectfully.  If they say they would, there is a place for them in Braver Network.

Braver Angels Support