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BACT Constitution Study Group: 11th & 12th Amendments
10/28/2021 @ 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm CDT
Restricted Attendance: Previous participation in a BA workshop (Red / Blue, Skills, etc.) preferred but not required
We all know we should know the U.S. Constitution. But how long has it been since we actually read it? Have we ever read it? And when we do read it, how much do we think about it?
Come together for a new ongoing program for Braver Angels Central Texas–a bi-weekly Constitution review and discussion. Every other week, we will take one section or amendment from the Constitution, and read it on our own, in advance, and think about its importance today. Then, over Zoom, we listen to a short address / teaching inspired by the reading, and then break into small groups to discuss our own thoughts about it. Each meeting will last exactly an hour so that we can fit it in our busy schedules.
The bi-weekly sections will be divided so that after about a year, our group will have together read every word of the Constitution. We will have also pondered its history, purpose, and its importance to our country.
No legal knowledge is necessary. No prior knowledge of history or civics is even necessary. As the Constitution itself states, “WE THE PEOPLE” ordain and establish our Constitution. We each have the power and the right to read and interpret our founding document. We each have the right to express when we disagree with it. The Constitution itself even memorializes our right to change it–if we can get enough of our fellow citizens to agree!
We’ll do this again about every other week, perhaps year after year. Since each meeting will be on a different clause, there is no need or requirement to make every session. Participants can attend as many or as a few as they like. And the person giving the prepared talk will also change frequently, so we can hear from people with diverse views and backgrounds.
This series started immediately after the election. We’ve now covered all of the Articles of the Constitution EXCEPT Article I (we started at the 2020 Presidential Election, with Article II). We just learned from each other about the entire Bill of Rights. Now we make our way through the additional amendments, starting with the 11th and 12th.
** This event is open to the media upon approval. Media contact: Ciaran O’Connor,