Depolarization & Faith: How Faith Can Help Us Reach Across the Divide | Sarah Anderson with April Lawson - Braver Angels

Depolarization & Faith: How Faith Can Help Us Reach Across the Divide | Sarah Anderson with April Lawson


Sarah Anderson is the author of forthcoming book The Space Between Us: How Jesus Teaches Us to Live Together When Politics and Religion Pull Us Apart. Host April Lawson and Sarah discuss her background being raised in a very political family, her journey of learning that people of faith can differ politically, and how she engages—and teaches others to engage—faith and politics in our key relationships.

Sarah has a degree in Christian thought from Grove City College. Currently, she works as a writer and editor for the Rethink Group student curriculum. She also maintains a popular blog covering topics like faith, culture, parenting, and marriage:

Twitter: @braverangels, @SarahB_Anderson, @AprilALawson

Listen or watch the podcast below. You can also find it on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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3 thoughts on “Depolarization & Faith: How Faith Can Help Us Reach Across the Divide | Sarah Anderson with April Lawson”

  1. This is a helpful, encouraging, and illuminating discussion. It challenged my centrist Democrat biases. Both guest and interviewer are clearly thoughtful and committed to respectful dialogue. Sarah Anderson’s comments on Judaism are particularly insightful. But the interviewer’s felt need to respond to the guest as she is speaking with a steady stream of loud verbal acknowledgment (“Ah ha!” “Right!” “Yes!” “Mmm hmmm!” “Totally!” “Yep!”) is a constant irritant. This is perfectly natural in a private conversation, but can be distracting in a public discussion.

  2. Barbara In RI

    I thoroughly enjoyed the back & forth comments & questions between commentator & guest speaker discussing spiritual & society viewpoints and respecting that we can maintain our individuality and respect our differences – more on this topic pease 👏👏👏

  3. Frederick Paul Kester

    This discussion was helpful. I have continuing ed credits I need to keep my license current in the area of inclusion. There were several ideas about how to honor those who have a different points a view about their faith than mine. An example would be to honor the person not their point of view. Thanks. Frederick, BA moderator.

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