Critical Race Theory & UFOs? | John Wood, Jr., April Lawson, Ciaran O'Connor, & Mónica Guzmán - Braver Angels

Critical Race Theory & UFOs? | John Wood, Jr., April Lawson, Ciaran O’Connor, & Mónica Guzmán


Boom! In this special roundtable edition of our podcast, two red and two blue Braver Angels leaders share their takes on critical race theory and the recent out-of-this-world UFO stories fascinating both right and left. Also in this episode: some real talk about the hard work of building a house united—plus some stories about how thrilling (or terrifying!) everyone found Fourth of July fireworks as kids. 

Featuring John Wood, Jr. (national ambassador), April Lawson (director of debates), Ciaran O’Connor (CMO), Mónica Guzmán (director of digital and storytelling).

Twitter: @braverangels, @ciaranjoconnor, @AprilALawson, @JohnRWoodJr, @moniguzman 

Listen or watch the podcast below. You can also find it on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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4 thoughts on “Critical Race Theory & UFOs? | John Wood, Jr., April Lawson, Ciaran O’Connor, & Mónica Guzmán”

  1. Thank you SO much for this important discussion!
    This is a subject that has really caught my attention and for which I have great concern.

    It IS a very complex issue that, for most, needs deeper examination to gain a fuller understanding.

    As a nation who has been richly blessed in so any ways, our affinity for “immediate gratification”, therefore “convenience”, doesn’t always serve our best interests.

    I learned, many years ago, to take very few things for granted, most especially when controversy exists. Doing my own PERSONAL RESEARCH before embracing ANY information solely on the word of another person/group (popular or not) is a personal rule.

    I look forward to continued discussion on this hot-button issue, Braver Angels style, naturally! 😊

  2. Was glued to my first BRAVER ANGELS PODCAST. TITLE: Critical Race Theory. This is a terrific service you are making available to random “uses”! I shall look up others and listen. I believe I have joined braver angels

  3. Shannon Brooks

    The timing on this podcast was perfect. I actually am meeting a person tomorrow at my local coffee shop to talk about critical race theory following a Facebook comment war. Increasingly this is what I’ve started doing when I find myself disagreeing with people online: I asked them to meet me face to face for a one-on-one conversation at the local coffee shop. We talk and we disagree but we also learn a lot and the main thing is we see each other as human beings. This podcast really helped me understand the anxieties that CRT raise in people, and has given me some good perspective and insight to prepare for tomorrow’s conversation. I especially liked the emphasis on finding a path forward; guilt is a natural response in conversations like this but it’s also the most useless emotion there is unless it leads us to action and change. I also appreciated the articulation of the fact that most of us are approaching this topic with a misinformed and or stereotyped view of it. Keep up the good work. Now I’m off to submit my membership!

  4. Kathryn L Walker

    Thanks for your podcasts around Critical Race Theory — so much to learn and understand behind the definitions we are using. Appreciate your carefully worded discussion here. You have spurred me on to further study. Many bad actors out there who will try to use what we don’t grapple with honestly and humbly. Thanks so much.

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