Crazy Amazing Humans Podcast — "Calling All Braver Angels" - Braver Angels

Crazy Amazing Humans Podcast — “Calling All Braver Angels”


In this inspiring podcast episode, Randy Lioz of Braver Angels ignites a conversation to help us, and all Americans, understand each other beyond stereotypes, form community alliances, and reduce the discord that can poison our civic culture and dialogue. Listen to Randy’s story and how, in discovering Braver Angels, he found a way to fulfill his passion to build bridges between those with conflicting viewpoints. 

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2 thoughts on “Crazy Amazing Humans Podcast — “Calling All Braver Angels””

  1. Merrietta Fong

    This is incredible. Randy, you are so articulate, so genuine, so inspirational. What a wonderful spokesperson for Braver Angels! You managed to explain the mission, the appeal, and the need for our work in an easily understood, very approachable, and profound way. Thank you!

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