Braver Network
One organization can't change the country. A movement can.
Braver Network is a network of organizations from across the political spectrum and representing many different goals.
The mission of Braver Network is to bring organizations together to help grow and spread a social movement for bridging the partisan divide.
Our vision is of a social movement in which all people are treated with dignity and no one is silenced. We strive for better conflict, an accurate understanding of differences, and common ground. Just as littering on roads became unacceptable, toxic political engagement will become unacceptable in everyday life.
Join us in building a social movement for bridging the partisan divide.
What kind of organizations are in Braver Network?
Organizations in Braver Network have different leanings: conservative to liberal to centrist to off-the-beaten-path. Some of us are nonpartisan, and many of us have goals completely separate from politics: like congregations, companies, civic groups, cafes, and colleges (to name a few).Â
Some of us are big and national, and some of us are local and small. Some of us are focused on bridge-building, and many of us are advocating for specific issues or serving local communities.Â
The one thing that brings us together? We see America torn apart by polarization—and we believe we can do better as Americans. We want our organizations to be part of the solution.Â
We work together because no one organization alone can change the country. But a movement can.Â
Check out the First Principles of a Civic Renewal Movement, ratified by delegates at the 2023 Braver Angels Convention.
How We Can Work Together
Braver Network is 100% free to join. There are no required meetings. The only requirements are that you designate someone from your team to serve as a representative to the network and that you list your organization as part of the growing network below. The rest is up to you. Â
You set the course of our work together. You can…
- Infuse Braver Angels skills into your organization and sphere of influence
- Send members of your organization and community to our workshops, debates, and seminars to become more effective citizens and colleagues.
- Tap key leaders to join our leadership trainings and learn how to organize and facilitate events in your own organization and community.
- Help build the social movement to bridge the partisan divide
- Bring your organization's unique strengths to the table to help chart the course and partner with other organizations to build the movement for civic renewal.
- Send delegates to the annual Braver Angels National Convention, where they can connect with other leaders from organizations.
- Proactively look for opportunities to collaborate with other Braver Network members.
Join the Network, and help our country to bridge the partisan divide!
Are you an individual looking for volunteer opportunities to help Braver Network?
Braver Network State Rep
Braver Network Directory
Meet the Braver Network
Honorary Co-Chair
Institute for Local Government
Honorary Co-Chair
Honorary Co-Chair
- #unifyUSA
- 24-hr Pause for Peace
- 2nd Look News
- 4th Congressional District Democratic Party
- A More Pefect Union: The Jewish Partnership for Democracy
- ABA Task Force for American Democracy - Georgia
- Activote
- Acton Institute
- AlgEternal Technologies, LLC
- Alliance for Shared Values
- AllSides
- American Conservation Coalition
- American Council of Trustees and Alumni
- American Exchange Project
- American Promise
- American Purpose
- American Security Project
- American Solidarity Chapter -- Utah State Chapter
- American Tributaries
- Americans for Prosperity - Arkansas
- Americas Future, Southeast Hub
- Ames Public Library
- Annapolis Friends Meeting
- Arete
- Arkansas Forward Party
- Asheville Ideas Fest
- Asian Industry B2B
- ASQ Government Division
- Assemble America
- Association of Idaho Cities
- Augustana University
- Baldwin Wallace University - Department of Politics and Global Citizenship
- Barbie's Peace in Our Time
- Bethel Woods Center for the Arts
- Better Cities Project
- Better Together America
- Binghamton University Center for Civic Engagement
- Bipartisan Cafe
- Bipartisan Leadership Project
- Black Opportunities, Inc.
- Bloomington Public Schools Independent School District 271
- Boileau & Co.
- Bridge of Life Coaching & Counseling Services
- Bridge USA
- Bridging Divides - El Dorado
- Building a New Reality Foundation
- Building Bridgers
- California RCV Coalition & California RCV Institute
- Californians for Equal Rights Foundation
- Campaign for an Informed Citizenry
- Cardinal Trust
- Carter Center
- Cascading Strategies
- Caster Concepts
- Catherine Project
- Center for Collaborative Democracy
- Center for Economic and Social Justice
- Center for Election Science
- Center for Healthy Churches
- Center for Intersectional Media & Entertainment (CIME)
- Central Presbyterian Church - Chambersburg, PA
- Choralosophy
- Church of the Nativity, Raleigh
- Citizens' Climate Lobby
- City of Jackson, TN
- City of Lakewood, CA
- Civic Synergy
- CivicCore Foundation
- Civity
- Coalition of Asian Pacific Americans
- College of Charleston - The Civility Initiative
- Cologne Community of Belonging
- Comment Magazine
- Common Ground USA
- Common Sense Party
- Common Thread Church
- Compassionate Citizens Foundation
- Compassionate Listening Project
- Congregation B'nai B'rith, Santa Barbara, CA
- Connecticut Conference of Municipalities
- Connecticut Public
- Consistent Life Network
- Constructive Dialogue Institute
- Convergence Center for Policy Resolution
- Conversations Across the Aisle, Inc.
- Conversations with Katy
- Cornell Free Speech Alliance
- Cornell University Department of Global Development, Extension
- Cortico
- Council for Christian Colleges & Universities
- CrossWinds Church
- Cultivating Unity
- Cure Global Violence
- DaviesContent Podcast Consultants
- Debaterly
- Delaware Community Foundation
- Deliberation Gateway
- Democracy in a Box
- Democracy Without Elections
- Derate the Hate Podcast
- Deseret News
- Difficult Conversations Project
- Digital Democracy Project
- Dignity Dialouges
- Dispute Resolution Center of Grays Harbor & Pacific Counties
- DOC: Depolarizing Organizational Cultures
- Durham County Republican Party
- Eisenhower Institute–Gettysburg College
- Elizabethtown College
- Embrace. Reclaim. Heal.
- Entrusted Foundation
- Envoys
- Equal Vote Coalition
- Equal, A Global Human Initiative, Inc.
- EquaSion
- Faith and Law
- Fight Hate
- Fighting To Understand
- First Baptist Church of Stilwell, Kansas
- First Things
- First Unitarian Church of Wilmington
- First United Methodist Church - Prairie Campus, Colorado Springs
- Fix Democracy First
- Focolare Movement
- For Economic Justice
- Former Members of Congress
- Forward Party - California
- Forward Party - Colorado
- Forward Party - Florida
- Forward Party - Illinois
- Forward Party - Maryland
- Forward Party - Nevada
- Forward Party - New York
- Forward Party - North Carolina
- Forward Party - Pennsylvania
- Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism
- Foundation for a United State of Americans
- Free2Express
- FreedomFest
- Friends Committee on National Legislation
- Friends of Atlanta Peace
- Gangstagrass
- Georgia Center for Opportunity
- German-American Institute Freiburg (Carl-Schurz-Haus)
- GettingAlong.com
- Global Situation Room
- Good Party
- Gotham Arts
- GP Creative
- Granite Bridge Legislative Alliance
- Grassroots Leadership Academy
- GreatRWB
- Ground News
- Growing Leadership LLC
- Halston Media
- Hamilton College Common Ground
- Harmony Movement
- Healing Art of Writing
- Healing Race Media
- Hearken
- Helena Group Foundation
- Heterodox Academy
- Higher Purpose Forum
- Holistic Life Navigation
- Honors College - University of Utah
- House United Movement
- How to Heal Our Divides
- Humanergy
- Hyde Park Mennonite Fellowship
- I Am Humanity
- Ideos Institute
- Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy
- Institute for Local Government
- Institute for Multipartisan Education
- Institute on Religion and Democracy
- Interfaith Philadelphia
- Interfaith Photovoice
- International Center for Religion & Diplomacy (ICRD)
- Issue One
- IssueVoter
- Jack Miller Center
- John F. Murphy Homes, Inc.
- Journeymen (Triangle, NC)
- JustME for JustUS
- Kansas Leadership Center
- Keep Law Firm
- Kindness Bank
- Kitchen Table Talk
- Kultur Mercado
- Lake County Press
- Leadership Council San Mateo County
- Leadership Montana
- LEGECY Institute
- Let's See Labs
- Liberty Live!
- Life After Hate
- Listen First Project
- Living Room Conversations
- Lyceum Labs
- Madison Coalition
- Madison County, TN
- Mainstream Republicans of Washington
- Majority in the Middle
- MarketingbyDrBob.com
- Mary's Center
- Matters Media
- Mediators Foundation
- Meetings of Opposites
- Mejdi Tours
- Middlesex College
- Millennial Action Project
- Minnesota Women's Press
- MIT Center for Constructive Communication / Cortico
- More in Common
- More Like Us
- More Perfect Union
- Move for America
- Multicultural Foodservice & Hospitality Alliance
- Music in Common
- MyInfinity
- NAFCM + Mediators Foundation
- National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation (NCDD)
- National History Academy
- National Institute for Civil Discourse
- National Marriage Project
- Neighborhood House
- New Horizon Church, Jackson, Mississippi
- News Literacy Project
- Niskanen Center
- No Labels
- No Labels - New Hampshire
- North Carolina Campus Engagement
- Northern California Public Media
- Northwest WA Civic Circle
- Nuclear New York
- NumbersUSA
- NVC Academy
- Oak Guild Institute
- Oklahoma Media Center
- On Being
- One America Movement
- Padnos/Sarosik Center for Civil Discourse
- Parents 4 Peace
- Participatory Science Solutions LLC
- Paulist Productions
- Civity
- PeaceTech and Polarization Lab, Notre Dame
- PeoplePower TV
- Pepperdine School of Public Policy
- Perfect Our Union
- Ponderly
- Precious Blood Spirituality Institute
- Preserve USA at Penn State
- Principles First
- Principles First, Ohio
- PrismVu
- Prohuman Foundation
- Project Humanize US
- Project Phoenix
- Radiopaper
- Rank the Vote
- Reconciliation Leadership
- Rehumanize International
- Renew America Together
- Renew Democracy Initiative
- Republican Party of Los Angeles County
- Resolution Virginia
- Restore Forum
- Resurrection, A United Methodist Church (Kansas City Area)
- Rhizome
- Right to Health, Inc.
- Rossmoor Community Group
- Rotarians for the American Promise
- Rotary District #5400 Peace Committee
- Rotary District #5960
- Rumi Forum
- Sacramento Action Latin America
- San Diego County Medical Society
- Save Democracy in America
- Scottsdale Community College
- Seeds of Peace
- Sempra Infrastructure
- Sensible Center PAC
- SLCO Library
- SMUD Museum of Science & Curiosity
- SNF Agora Institute, Johns Hopkins University
- SNF Ithaca Initiative, University of Delaware
- Soujourners
- Spark Studio
- St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, New London, NH
- St. Matthews Episcopal Church
- Stars and Stripes
- Starts with Us
- Stories Change Power
- Story Incubator Writing Lab
- StoryCorps
- Strangers Meeting Strangers
- Stubblefield Institute for Civil Political Communication
- Tangle News
- Team Democracy
- The American Public Trust
- The Building Bridges Project
- The Caravan
- The Center for Economic Opportunity and Belonging
- The Changemaker Podcast
- The City Club of Cleveland
- The Concord Coalition
- The Flip Side
- The Fund for American Studies
- The Growing Democracy Project
- The Harwood Institute
- The Horizons Project (THP)
- The McGovern Center at Dakota Wesleyan University
- The Narrative Method
- The New York State Dispute Resolution Association, Inc.
- The Opinionated
- The Other Side Village
- The People
- The Progress Network
- The Russell Kirk Center
- The Social Good Club
- The Society Library
- The Sound of Listening
- The Sumners Foundation
- The Tennessean / USA TODAY Network Tennessee
- ThoughtStretchers Education Community
- Thread
- Thuggin for Christ
- Toda Peace Institute
- Top of Mind with Julie Rose
- Traverse Indivisible
- Tribes USA
- Tripoldi Quality Consulting
- Truth and Democracy Coalition
- Tuolumne County Building Bridges
- Twin Valleys Lutheran Parish
- Unify America
- UNITE / The Dignity Index
- Unite NY
- United Independents
- United We Pledge
- Unity in the USA
- UnityNow! Podcast
- Universal Peace Organization, Inc.
- Universal Reward Solutions, PBC
- University of Bridgeport
- Urban Rural Action
- Utah Division of Multicultural Affairs
- Verbatim Performance Lab
- Veterans for All Voters
- Village Square
- Virginia Commonwealth University - Political Science - Institute for Democracy, Pluralism, and Community Empowerment
- Virginia Military Institute Center for Leadership and Ethics
- Vision Orlando
- Visions, Inc.
- Vitality Source - Bridging to Belonging
- Voice of the People
- Vote Smart
- Wake Tech Community College
- Walkers Barber Shop
- Washington Policy Center
- Wassmuth Center for Human Rights
- Waterford School
- Westbury Friends Meeting
- Wilmington College
- Windy City Ramblers
- With Honor
- Women's Public Leadership Network
- Woodhull Freedom Foundation
- Working on it with Liz
- Young People in Recovery
- Young Politicians' Convention (YPolCon)
- Youth Civil Liberties Movement
Designate someone who’ll be responsible to be your organization’s liaison with Braver Network.
The liaison is the person within your organization who connects your members to Braver Network. They support the mission of bringing Americans together to understand our differences and seek common ground, and become a member of Braver Angels. They’ll receive digital newsletters outlining upcoming opportunities and, after the Braver Angels 2023 Convention, may be invited to attend periodic, one-hour, online gatherings to share information and discuss key topics.
For anyone joining Braver Angels, we ask you (if you’re agreeable) to indicate to us your overall political leaning. For Braver Network, we want a group of liaisons that’s politically balanced, with about half leaning red and about half leaning blue. Political balance is vital to our mission.
Yes. There are opportunities for work tailored to your organization’s needs.
Braver Angels
Working with other groups to build a national movement for civic renewal advances Braver Angels’ mission.
Participation is entirely voluntary and can be ended at any time.