Braver Angels and other individuals and organizations have been working hard to depolarize American politics. But can the movement to depolarize America break into the mainstream? Or is it transforming into something that can?
John Wood, Jr. tracks the rise of this movement to heal our republic, taking us on the inside in this opening episode of The John Wood, Jr. Show:
2 thoughts on “Beyond Depolarization: What Our Movement is Becoming”
If Braver Angels is neither red nor blue, liberal nor conservative, do you at least come out against tyranny, fascism, and despotism? If so, what is the movement’s plan to counter these alarming trends? I’m asking sincerely, and hoping for serious answers. Thank you.
Our view, in short, is that when trust between the American people dwindles the appeal of dangerous ideologies built on the idea that we are irreconcilable enemies rises. Our work runs through communities and institutions and the airwaves in an effort to rebuild trust and goodwill between Americans so that we can engage the project of self-government together. In that way, we create common ground that is antithetical to the sort of trends you describe.
Still, we are a community of people who may disagree about where the most salient threats of authoritarianism come from. What unties us is a belief that by revitalizing the bonds of American people we build resistance to the worst possible developments that may threaten American society, whatever part of the spectrum it may come from.