This week . . . was all about Brett Kavanaugh. And why not? As the legislative branch has slowly ceded more and more power to the judicial branch, the highest court in the land has increasingly become a political battleground. And today, that means polarization. Which means the name calling, political posturing, finger pointing, accusations of lying, ulterior motives and conspiracies has all but overwhelmed rational, thoughtful (even if heated) discourse about this critically important decision. And as the poison of polarization courses through our political system and infects our the courts, it helps to institutionalize and extend the corrosive legacy of thoughtless, reactive tribal politics for many years to come. And so the stain of polarization deepens and grows…
When reading these examples, check the above list and ask yourself: regardless of whether you agree or disagree, is this really advancing an intelligent resolution through the persuasive, rational arguments of advocacy…or simply fueling the fire of conflict through the divisive, emotional manipulations of polarization?
Here are just a few of the blue and red polarizing headlines from the past week.
Blue Headlines
Lying liar Brett Kavanaugh lawyers up
Republicans have no intention of giving Kavanaugh accusers a fair hearing
Republicans rev up the smear engine against Kavanaugh accuser
Brett Kavanaugh’s chief character witness thinks ‘uncontrollable male passion’ is ‘awesome’
‘We Ram It Through Hard And Fast’: Frat Boy Rhetoric Defines Kavanaugh Nomination
Here’s Why Kavanaugh’s Nomination Could Deal a Fatal Blow to the GOP’s Midterm Election Chances
When it comes to Kavanaugh, Susan Collins has a double standard
Republicans’ gross responses to assault allegation against Brett Kavanaugh
Pro-Trump sycophants launch another smear of Christine Blasey Ford, trying to tie her to Fusion GPS
Brett Kavanaugh and the breathless effort to protect a rich, white man from repercussions
Extreme right begins Twitter campaign to defend Kavanaugh, undercut his accuser
Red Headlines
Kavanaugh Witch-Hunt Intensifies
The Kavanaugh Hearings: A Democratic Clown Show
Democrats Couldn’t Stop Kavanaugh, So They’ll Destroy Him Instead
Kavanaugh Accuser is an Anti-Trump Leftist Who Attended Women’s March, Donated to DNC
Kavanaugh Accuser Erased Social Media History Before Coming Forward, According to Reports
Kavanaugh Smear Latest Effort to Reverse 2016 Election Results
Ford vs. Kavanaugh: There’s Nothing to Investigate
Kavanaugh: What’s the Democrats’ Endgame?
The Burning of Brett Kavanaugh
Deranged Left Accuses Kavanaugh Aide of Flashing White Power Symbol
Problematic Women: Liberal Hypocrisy Surrounding Brett Kavanaugh