This week . . . was really bad. Scan through the headlines below. We’ve hit a new low. It doesn’t even matter if they’re from the right or left. What matters is that political discourse has slipped from disagreement to insult to profanity to physical action — heckled in a movie line…thrown out of a restaurant…rejected from taking a picture…declaiming “F..K YOU… Is violence the next step? The problem is, the worse it gets, the more tempting it is to take sides and join in. Who can not have an emotional response to this? Which is exactly why the polarizers never quit. It’s like political road rage. It doesn’t matter which side scores a point. What matters is the game of destruction is on, full tilt.
When reading these examples, check the above list and ask yourself: regardless of whether you agree or disagree, is this really advancing an intelligent resolution through the persuasive, rational arguments of advocacy…or simply fueling the fire of conflict through the divisive, emotional manipulations of polarization?
Here are just a few of the week’s polarizing headlines…disregarding whether they’re from the left or right:
Florida AG heckled by protesters after seeing Mister Rogers movie
This Bartender Got Fired For Being Rude To Trump Supporters. He Doesn’t Regret It.
Antonio Sabato Jr. says he was ‘blacklisted’ like Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Trump warns Maxine Waters: ‘Be careful what you wish for
Dem congressman refuses to condemn Waters’ calls to harass Trump officials
Seth Rogen says he wouldn’t take a photo with Paul Ryan
Trump staffer ostracism illustrates systemic breakdown of the left
Democrats Say Trump and Republicans Hate Children
The Left’s Unhinged Nazi Comparisons Drag the Discourse from the Gutter down into the Sewer
Raving maniac will obstruct justice in a single tweet but won’t speak Sessions’ name aloud
‘You Are A Monumental Idiot’: Army Vet Blasts Trump Cheerleader