Press Release: Braver Angels Music Launches Song Contest to Build Bridges with Music Communities - Braver Angels

Press Release: Braver Angels Music Launches Song Contest to Build Bridges with Music Communities



An initiative to bring music communities together to address increasing social divisions starts with a song contest dedicated to songs that engage across the aisle.

New York, NY Braver Angels Music (BAM), the music branch of a nonprofit dedicated to building bridges across America’s partisan divide, is now taking submissions to its national song contest. The organization is looking for songs that inspire citizens to appreciate their differences and to look above social divides. The grand prize winner will be given a cash prize and an invitation to play at the Braver Angels national convention in Gettysburg, PA this July. The submission deadline is May 12.

But the contest is only part of a larger vision: to eventually create a platform where artists that represent various viewpoints can work together to lessen the negative impacts of tribalism. While the contest provides focus, BAM is also offering a week of free online workshops as a way to bring these communities together in order to start a larger conversation. BAM has partnered with music software company Ableton, celebrity judges who are themselves social leaders (such as hip-hop/bluegrass group Gangstagrass), and music marketing expert Andrew Southworth to give musicians the tools they’ll need to make a difference while working within the structures of the current music economy.

“A major difficulty in addressing division is that it is impossible for any one community to have all the answers. Braver Angels Music is a neutral organization built on the principle of valuing different world views. We believe we have an opportunity to create a platform where these communities can work together. With this combined leadership and the power of music, I believe there’s potential for real change,” said BAM Co-Director John Carroll. “These are our first steps.”

To submit to the song contest or participate in the week of workshops (a song submittal is not required), visit

About Braver Angels Music

Braver Angels is a national movement to bridge the partisan divide, equally balanced between conservatives and progressives at every level of leadership. The organization works in communities, on college campuses, in the media, and in the halls of political power. Braver Angels Music extends these values into the arts community. Besides partnering with and promoting musical artists who are passionate about ending social division, they are creating opportunities for music communities to work together to create change. Learn more at

Media Contact

John Carroll
Co-Director, Braver Angels Music


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