Different: Our Universal Longing for Community 2nd Edition
DIFFERENT: Our Universal Longing for Community—is an honest, interview-based conversation about race, class, and our universal difficulty with difference. It is set at Lincoln University—the first historically Black college/university in the country—and the adjoining poor, rural, mostly Black community known as the Lincoln Village. I am White but grew up in both communities. In DIFFERENT, I explore the social layers and relationships between residents there during the 1950s. My interviews include people like Julian Bond, noted civil-rights leader, to Frankie Weaver, the only White child to attend the otherwise all-Black school in the Village, whose father was the county boss and was widely reputed to be a member of the KKK. The interviewees look at some of the same issues and incidents through very different eyes, and everyone is candid, but no one is hateful. These conversations can be a model for straight, respectful talk about racial and class diversity without the artifice of political correctness.
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