And the Beat Goes On… - Braver Angels

And the Beat Goes On…

Women holding "No Hate" sign

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If in the midst of this tragedy, the people of Los Angeles, and all America for that matter, are given cause to remember how precious we are to one another, then something will have been gained in this.

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4 thoughts on “And the Beat Goes On…”

  1. Erica Etelson

    There are 2 articles above that don’t strike me as polarizing– “The Right Wing is Trying to Make it a Crime to Oppose Fascism” and “GOP Politicians are using video games as a scapegoat.” Both of the articles seem factual and well-reasoned to me. Greg, can you say more about why these articles made the list? Is there a way that these reporters could have covered these issues that would be less polarizing?

    1. My measure is simply: Does the headline purposefully tend to widen rather than narrow the polarization gap. The word choice in “The Right Wing is trying to make it a crime to oppose fascism” is fully loaded to anger conservatives and delight liberals. Imagine sitting across from your conservative uncle and saying this. (His probable response: “Oh My God – you think THAT’S what we’re trying to do????”) You’ve started a fight before the conversation begins.
      Same thing with the “scapegoat” term. No way would a conservative feel they were “scapegoating.”

      I happen to agree with the bias of these two headlines, and yes they are technically, factually correct. But to me they serve more to enflame the “other” and flatter “our side” rather than simply inform or, better, move the debate to rational discourse and resolution.

      I know this is the difference between editorial writing and reporting – but this is the soup we’re in. That these headlines seem factual and objective (to those agree with the bias) is an indication of how corrosive the atmosphere of polarization has become. We don’t recognize bias…as long as we agree with it.

  2. Erica Etelson

    Thanks, that’s helplful. So a non-polarizing version might be “GOP resolution would label antifa a ‘domestic terrorist organization'” or “Left activists fear GOP’s antifa resolution would suppress dissent”?

    1. Yes – but of course that brings up the issue that, often, when you remove the polarizing fire, its kind of boring –
      because in fact there’s not much of a story. Which is exactly the point and the problem.
      Making a nothing story “hot” by pumping up the polarizing aspect is a great way to get attention…but at the
      risk of fanning the flames that threaten to burn down the house.

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