Class and Black America | A Conversation with Bertrand Cooper - Braver Angels

Class and Black America | A Conversation with Bertrand Cooper


Is the black American experience defined by race in 2021? Or are the struggles of millions of African-Americans far more a symptom of class?

Bertrand Cooper is a deeply insightful yet underappreciated voice on the intersections of race and poverty in American life. In our conversation we talk about popular culture’s representation of black life, the differences in the black experience as a function of class, and Bertrand’s own compelling journey through race, poverty and the ladder of education.

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Los Angeles

If in the midst of this tragedy, the people of Los Angeles, and all America for that matter, are given cause to remember how precious we are to one another, then something will have been gained in this.

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1 thought on “Class and Black America | A Conversation with Bertrand Cooper”

  1. Yes, we have more black doctors, lawyers, high-ends. But what about the rest? Is affirmative action caput? Is 40 yrs Flat wages that overwhelming?

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