1. Delegate applications were reviewed, and delegates selected, by appointees of the Braver Angels board of directors.
2. Convention decisions are not binding on Braver Angels’ or any other board, but are intended to help guide our cooperative work going forward.
3. The convention will operate on a modified parliamentary procedure model.
4. Four Convention Officers – two Presiding Officers (Co-Chairs), a Parliamentarian, and a Secretary – will serve the delegates.
5. Delegates will select two members to serve as Presiding Officers (Co-Chairs) of the convention, whose duties include guiding the Convention, enforcing good decorum, deciding points of order, voting in cases in which their votes would make or break a tie, and deciding in plenary sessions in what order speakers shall be recognized.
6. A Convention Parliamentarian will advise the Co-Chairs as requested on matters of procedure.
7. A Convention Secretary will serve as the convention’s recording officer and will keep a roll of convention delegates.
8. Delegates may select additional Convention Officers.
9. In plenary sessions delegates are asked to rise from their seat when they are called upon to speak, to address all statements to the Chair or Chairs, and to refer to the Chair being addressed as “Mister Chairman” or “Madam Chairwoman.”
10. Delegates seeking clarification as to procedure should address the Chair saying “point of order” or “question of clarification.”
11. The Convention’s agenda as approved by the Convention Committee is designed to ensure fairness and to foster participation, collaboration, civil discussion, and orderly decision-making.
12. By attending the Convention, you are agreeing that we may use your image or likeness in internal and external publications of the event.