A Multiracial Working-Class Revolution? | Lance Nickol & Jason Clark with David Lapp - Braver Angels

A Multiracial Working-Class Revolution? | Lance Nickol & Jason Clark with David Lapp


Jason is a black stay-at-home father from South Lebanon, Ohio. Believing that Biden is too conservative, he voted for Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primaries. A few towns over, Lance is a white father and utility locator who enthusiastically voted for Trump. Though miles apart in their politics, they both believe working-class Americans like them are getting cheated and that most politicians are in the pockets of corporations. Is a multiracial working-class revolution in the future—and if so, would it serve to depolarize America or to exacerbate existing tensions? Join us for this raw and surprising conversation. 

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4 thoughts on “A Multiracial Working-Class Revolution? | Lance Nickol & Jason Clark with David Lapp”

  1. Brigitte Desouches

    I found this debate to be good and constructive and very interesting. It was an occasion for me to listen to and learn from two working class people (whom I found smart and generous) talking about how they see the working class now. Their difference of views as well as what they have in common, was well revealed by the questions. The success of this discussion showed itself in the hope that both felt at the end.
    Just one question I would have wished to be asked: I would have liked to know specifically if and how things went better for Lance under the Trump administration (and maybe for Jason too). This is something I am quite curious about, because I hear more ideological ideas or feelings about Trump, but would want to know from these two people if and how their bottom line got affected for the working class . Precise examples. I am not a Trump supporter but I want to be fair and would like to know if more ease and opportunities went to the working class when he was President.

  2. Kristin Shewfelt

    First of all – a great pairing of very interesting individuals. My hats off to them for participating in this discussion. They both seem like great fathers and to me that’s the most important thing I took away. They also seem to be great listeners, and I think that’s where it all might start. Just listening. That simple exercise left them with more in common than not.

  3. While at first, I was put off my Lance’s beliefs about Trump, e.g., about how much more Trump provided for Black colleges than Obama (??), I am glad I stayed with it. I saw that both men are thoughtful and not quick to dismiss the other, both able to listen to each other. I hope you will continue to meet with them–a good dialogue has begun with lots more to learn for them and ALL of us!

  4. I hope this conversation continues between Lance and Jason so I can listen to it. Both young men are so intelligent, insightful, hard working and sensitive. Since I am not a Trump supporter, I was particularly influenced by Lance’s intelligence, humility, and sensitivity. I have never heard such honesty and humility from my conservative family and friends. I listened to Lance. I am 68 years old, white, and grew up in very different times than Lance, but my father, like his father, never stopped working. We were poor but I didn’t know it. And, similar to something that Jason said about where he grew up, my family used an outhouse until I was 11 years old. I so much respect the work ethic of these young men. My hope is that, through conversations like this, working class people of all political opinions, will find common ground. And build on it.

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